Found you Hector!

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"Wh-why did you do that", I muttered with a hot red face as he shrugged saying "Took your mind off of it" with a puzzled look I looked down at the now empty needle in his hand. I slightly backed up thinking 'how could he jus- that kiss felt goo- I can use my plasmids now!'. I looked back up to him and said "Thanks, jack" in return he nodded and we were off to Eve's Garden. I hated that place it was too provocative for classy citizens like me. I'm not trying to sound snotty or anything, but there were only girls who found no interest in using their intelligence and guys who loved to get drunk for a living watching them.


They saw Eve's Garden not to far from where they were standing. "There it is", (o/c) said walking to it a little faster, but before she could reach it Jack laid a hand on her shoulder ,and pointed out a security camera. "You keep an eye out for splicers ill hack the camera" he said readying another plasmid "Well, why don't I hack it?" She said putting her hands on her hips. He motioned a hand towards the camera and got out his shotgun, while it was looked away she shot it with some electro bolt and ran over there. While she got her hacking on, Jack eyed a Big Daddy strolling with a little sister then started to think aiming his shotgun at them. As the cameras glow turned from red to green, she turned back to give Jack a thumbs up ,but noticed he was turned away aiming at a Big Daddy.


I rushed to him and quickly lied a hand on his gun, shaking my head no. Mainly, because I didn't want to see my comrade injured, in return he nodded and lowered his weapon. We then entered Eve's Garden, instantly Jack's eyes were fixed on the stage as if he saw someone there. He then climbed the stage, picked up some change, and followed it into the back room. I sighed and walked behind the counter, looking for something to eat at least. I gasped at the sight of some 'Sally's' potato chips, then sat on the floor behind the counter and ate them. When suddenly I heard someone walk in and sit down, without moving a single limb, my eyes travelled up and met the spliced up sight of Hector Rodriguez!

BioShock, Rapture: Jack Ryan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now