Greetings from hephaestus

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I looked to the glass and gazed at the ocean floor comparing the creatures there to the splicers, well what used to be people in what used to be rapture. Ryan seemed a shark, always trying to cleanse the ocean of "dirty" fish like Fontaine. I'd heard of Atlas here and there ,but never put to much time into meeting the man, besides the fact that last I heard he was stuck down in Fontaine's department store. 'Fontaine was more like an eel, dangerous and slippery' I thought to myself as we neared a building. I looked to Jack and saw him studying his wrists, which both had small chains tattooed to them ."When'd ya get them I?" I asked with a smile trying to brighten this dark mood the city shadowed upon us "Oh, uh, some time up topside I cant really remember though" he answered as he slowly looked to me. "So, Jack, is there a woman in your life?" I asked as well "Uh, Not really..." he answered as he shook his head "What made ya ask?" "Oh... nothing really" I finished while looking away thinking 'Mission accomplished' as he let out a small laugh widely grinning. He then motioned for us to get a move on as the doors opened to Hephaestus. "Watch 'yerself, Ryans Stirrin' we best keep to our knittin'. It's time to either run the table 'er go home empty Ryan's got the genetic key ta' Rapture we get that from him and we get out of this hell hole, we dont then you and I are ghosts" that heavily irish tone contiued from Jack's Radio. "Now would you kindly, head ta' Ryan's office and kill the son of a bitch? It's time ta' finish this" the man finished with a harsh voice.


"Any backstory to why this guy has such pure hate towards Ryan?" (o/c) asked with a puzzled face "Who wouldn't? The guy let his entire city fall to shit and didnt lift a finger to save it" "Fontaine pushed it to shit, and sure but this 'job' feels a bit personal". "Yea I guess so, but hes dead so best not to worry over him, and I wouldnt be surprised if it were Ryan murdered Atlas's family" I said as she gasped in horror at that last part. "That's terrible-" all of a sudden she was cut off by the man who was soon to be assassinated by us "I see Cohen's lost his touch, if you knew him when ...when he used to believe in the work... in the struggle. And now he rots in that never-land, waiting for someone to come and tell him he's still got it. I suppose thats why he let you live". After Ryan was done I used telekinsis to pick up a red barrel, we quietly found two splicers just ahead as I threw it at them and they were sent flying in flames across the underwater tunnel. We came near a door labeled 'RYAN INDUSTRIES' "You cant taste it, cant you? Andrew Ryan!" Ryan had announced from the radio as we walked into his 'industries'. Walking on (o/c) pointed out a small sign on the wall that said 'Office of Andrew Ryan' pointing right, we headed that way but then heard a slow clicking noise, before I knew it (o/c) had pushed me to the ground behind some rocks, leaping on top of me in the process. "That was close!" she said with a low voice getting off of me "What was?" "That security camera just above the door" she pointed out slightly rising behind the rocks. "Oh, uh thanks, wouldnt want to have wasted anymore ammo those bots" "Yea, we'll need it if were gonna get to Ryan" she said while handing me an automatic-hack tool.


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