Rapture Records

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        I hear someone grunt in pain then it all goes silent again "Hey, I dont think I caught your name, mind telling me?" I asked ... no one answered. I saw footsteps leading to a different, even colder room in there I saw a splicer wave his dirty, frozen fingers in my partner's face. "Son of a b*tch left me her ta freeeze" he said running off, leaving the other man frozen, after he left I ran over to my frozen partner and defrosted him by rubbing him with a light touch of incinerate. Before I could get a name out of him he quickly drew his pistol and with his other hand he shocked him with electro bolt then shot him down. After gunning the the splicer down, your sweater wearing friend said, "Gotta name?" "(o/c), how about you?" "Sounds pretty, Im Jack and... this used to be-". Before he could finish Cohen had yelled about his masterpiece and getting how Jack had to get a picture of the dead bodys "So... whos next?" I asked looking at the dead body on the floor and his enormous research camera. "Cobb, lets head to Rapture Records.


        We made our way to the end of the tunnel and in the beginning of a set of stairs. Out of the blue a spider splicer had jumped from the ceiling to down infront of us, she swung both her sharp, agile hooks through the air and tried to kick me. I evaded the hooks, and used the old one two punch (shock 'em and hit 'em with a wrench) she fell to the ground and I fended off a couple more of them. By the time I was done I turned around and called for (o/c) I looked all around the downstairs of the room, then I found her upstairs finally using a Circus of Values machine. "You okay?" I asked wondering why she just left "Yea, I'm fine just got cut", "What? Where? Let me see".


        You had a long burgandy skirt on and a tattered white, long blouse rolled up to your elbows and what used to be glossy jet black flats. You lightly lifted your sleeve a little higher then noticed how bad it actually was before even looking at it Jack took hold of your arm and pulled your sleeve higher to see the cut. He quickly filled his fist with ice, using his winter blast plasmid, and ran his hand over your open wound "Agh! S-ST-STOP!" you yelled yanking your arm away. "I cant just l-let you bleed out everywhere!", "Thats why I got bandaids!" "That wont fix shi-" before he could finish the two had heard splicers crawling on the roof. You grunted as you tried to keep pressure on your open wound nearly falling to your knees, meanwhile Jack had thrown a green squishy ball to hypnotize a big daddy. The Big daddy was more a distraction so, that when he picked you up (bridal style) and carried you to a health station they wouldnt follow, gladly it worked.


Last thing remembered was blacking out near a couple of splicers "Ugh, what happened?" I asked rubbing my head "You lost quite a bit of blood, so I ran you to the nearest working health station which was sadly back in the Atrium, but gladly your alright" he said smiling at that last part. I nodded in agreement then started to hum a familiar tune I suddenly heard playing from a nearby shop. Jack motioned his arms toward the shop saying in a way 'ladies first!' once again I nodded my head, but this time saying 'thank you'. I looked around for Mr. Cobb or just anything that looked useful when Jack out of the blue popped a record ,labeled "La Mer"  Covered by Reignhart, into a player and held his hand out to me.

BioShock, Rapture: Jack Ryan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now