Race: Part 2

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After setting a splicer on fire with just the snap of your fingers, the disfigured human frantically dove into a puddle of water to, which you'd flashed electricity into next. There were three more tailing you, and you were running out of ammo. Deciding, to head deeper into Hephaestus, you found a room which lead to another room, which lead to ANOTHER room, which lead to a flight of stairs which ended up bringing you to a small crawlspace like room. Inside were a hunk of junk and some audio diaries. Happily, you'd kicked your feet up, ate some pep bars, and gave 'em a listen.


Not one bit did Jack like Hephaestus, it was hot, confusing and had a dangerous feel to it. It was no secret that Rapture was dangerous, but this place was different. It made your stomach drop and never come back up, as if the place were gonna blow up and they'd had a limited amount of time to do something! Given a limited amount of time, his first goal would be to find (o/c). Hell, his goal now was to find (o/c). The only problem was that splicers kept popping up at every corner.


Turned out that all that hunk of junk, was close to being an EMP, and thanks to the brilliance of common sense, it was almost finished. The only thing you needed was a phial of Nitroglycerin. With that you poked through the small door and witnessed something rare. A woman, who didn't seem as spliced up as everyone else, was heading up a flight of stairs. keeping a safe distance, and a hidden profile, you witnessed that she had taken her gun, put it beside her head, and was about to...

"Woah wait!"

Her eyes shot open, and next thing you knew, the gun was pointed at you. "Give me one good reason to,"

"Because you're out of ammo." you replied, tossing a round to her. In response, she shot you a look that said 'how'd you know?'

"Well, that is my gun, so... what else'd you steal?"

"Nothing. I mean it's not like you had anything else worth-"midway through her sentence a bag of salty's potato chips, a pep bar, and an eve hypo slid from a bag she was carrying

*A/N bear with me if this chapters real... odd or doesn't make sense, I think I'm getting/having some publishing issues! Also thank ya kindly!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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