Mr. Cobb

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I grabbed his hand with a smirk and was soon swung into a playful waltz. "This tune sounds... familiar", I said before continuing to hum it "It is played all 'round rapture", he said guiding me back and forth. "True, but of all artists and songs, why Reignhart and why covers why not actual ones?", i asked lightly grasping one hand in his and the other on his shoulder. "I have no idea...apparently, like Atlas said, Ryan knows 'all'" he said emphasizing the word all and putting his free opposite hand on my waist. My face had suddenly grown really hot from that "Atlas?" "Oh, hes a friend of mine" he said smiling down at me for some reason that made me smile. "What exactly brought you to the 'beautiful' city of Rapture?" I asked looking up the stairs to the entrance of the store.


Before I could answer, I pushed her aside and used telekenisis to throw the nitro splicer's surprise bomb back at him. I turned toward her and pointed to a nearby vent (low by the floor), I turned back around to face Cobb, who had just walked in, with a bunch of other splicers. Still talking in his country-like accent, he threw one of his firey explosives in there "Hows that for a-" cutting him off I threw some proximinty mines at him to return the favor. Gladly just one of them made him kick the bucket, I managed to climb the rubble of what used to be some stairs, ran to the other end of the vent then started to pull her out. "You okay?" I said searching her for an injury "Yea, I'm fine this time" she said before letting out a couple of coughs "You sure?" I said with a worried voice "I Promise" she answered holding a pinkie up. Linking mine with hers, she said "So, what made ya want to come here" with a smile "Well, if you MUST know a plane crash" I answered as I took Cobbs photo. "Next is?" "Rodriguez... Hector Rodriguez".

BioShock, Rapture: Jack Ryan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now