Cohen's Masterpiece!!!

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I grasped a Chechnya Vodka bottle and glared back up at Mr. Rodriguez "Where's the f*cking-" he stammered not only being spliced, but apparently drunk "SERVICE around HERE" he yelled looking around in his seat at the bar. Before I could get up and smash that bottle on the side of his ugly a*s head, Jack walked in and blasted him with incinerate then gunned him down with his shotgun. I finally got up and set the bottle down on the counter, as he took his last picture for Cohen's piece of shit. "I take it you don't drink", Jack said putting his research camera away "No, I've actually been to busy to start with all the-" "Well, were not really in any kind of rush right now" he interrupted with a smirk as he walked over and sat next to me. I raised a brow and looked at the bottle then let out a sigh "Why not? I might as well before I-" I took a drink from the bottle before I could finish. Then in less than a second, Jack quietly laughed at my soon scrunched up face 'This stuff is AWFUL!!!' i thought giving the bottle to him "ugh, YOU try it!" I said with an annoyed tone. He then took a big drink, more like gulp, and rested on the counter again, then stood up "Ready to go?" he asked turning around. Behind his back, I grabbed the rest of the Vodka and drank some more. Sadly he caught me putting it back down, and raised a brow "It's not all that bad..." I explained averting my hand from it "Come on, before we get drunk" he laughed motioning towards the exit.


After they searched most of the stores in Poseidon Plaza, they sprinted past the frozen tunnel and made it to the Atrium again. Jack held out one of three of the photos he had taken, in reply she took it and put it in one of the three frames being held up by frozen splicers on a tiny stage. After framing two of the three Cohen had blown a fuse and started yelling about the look of "doubt" Jack had worn on his face. (o/c) looked to him with a worried look, but a confused mind 'Why was he so mad? I mean it was a shitty idea from the start if-' Before she could finish thinking a Spider splicer had kicked her in the upper stomach. She grunted and took out a gun, pointing it at the nearby darkness she looked around for more. She stood up at the sound of footsteps coming closer until she finally shot.


I walked up to her to tell her that Cohen didn't mean to send those splicers after us he just had a mental breakdown or trust issues... who knows, but before I could even lift a finger she... shot me. I fell to the ground then, in less than a second, I felt the back of my head pillowed by her soft lap "JACK! Oh no, Oh dear god! I-I'm so sor-" I quickly cut her off before things got to tear-jerking. "Do me a favor ,will 'ya?" I asked as her sobbing face started to nod "Close your eyes" "but-" "Please" I asked shutting mine. By the time she closed them I had appeared in a Vita Chamber, my little resurrection boxes that helped me cheat death, I pushed open the glass doors and made my way back to the Atrium as fast as I could. As soon as I got there, I held out both arms and received nice warm hug until she pinched me that really hurt "Ow!" I said rubbing the back of my neck "That's for not telling me!" she said before adopting a look of shock on her face. In return, I shot a puzzled look at her "(o/c)?" "Y-yea" she answered scanning me with her eyes again "You okay?" "Well besides the fact you just died in front my face, yea I'm peachy" I could tell she knew something and just dodged it with sarcasm. We then made our way back to the miniature stage and put up the final picture then with an excited voice Cohen came to the Atrium, in style. He waved both hands in the air receiving an applause... from somewhere surely it wasn't from us! (o/c) shot glances at me from time to time with a worried face. I bet it had something to do with that Vita Chamber!


I couldn't believe he had access to one of those machines! only ONE person in all of Rapture was able to use those chambers and surprisingly Jack was one of them. By the time Cohen had made it down stairs he leaned forward, near them, with his chin in his hand observing them. Finally he decided to walk over to a locked glass case and unlock it rewarding Jack and I, mostly Jack, with one of Rapture's many Gene tonics. "Now, GO.." His voice then deepened in a more serious tone, without any second thoughts of staying we left to take the next 'sphere to Rapture Metro. On our way to the 'sphere a man with an Irish sort of accent began to get signal with Jack's radio "Jack" I called his name after the voice stopped and he opened the door to the 'sphere for me. "Cohen's Masterpiece... I Is NOT something to f*ck with" in return he nodded, and before we knew it we were one leap closer to Ryan.


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