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Chapter theme: 'Wish you were sober'


Friday, January 29th

Of course, Jim and I made up, I mean we have an aneurism when we're apart. I've been gaining some popularity due to the "incident" (as the headmaster refers to it) that happened with Pam last week. He talked to my parents and I'm pretty sure they paid him for me to stay.

I pick up my bag and walk towards the door and enter the hallway. The numbers get lower until I get to the staircase, there's something about the elevators that rub me the wrong way. The echos of my shoes squeaking on the rarely used stairs. Except of course when Jim and I need to sneak around. And when we do see other couples it's not like we're gonna say anything because we trying to do the same thing.

      I hold my bag from the straps on my chest as I walk down the last flight of stairs and meet the corridor. I walk down it and finally get to the ground floor. I see him sitting at the table with Maeve and Karina. I sit down and he gives me a small kiss. I take a handful of almonds from the bag he has.
     "There's a party tonight," Jim says and looks at me. I laugh and shake my head
      "No, I have never been to a party" I chuckle, and Karina shrugs.
     "That's even more reasoning to go" she persuades and Jim chimes in
      "Also I'll be there so not a thing will happen to you" he adds and I nod, exhaling through my nose
      "Oh cause you're a big strong man" I joke in a mockingly deep voice.
     "I'm telling you Vel, people don't fuck with me," he says
      "People don't fuck with him" Maeve points and Jim gives a gloating smile. I give a laugh and smile. I shake my head, looking to the side
      "Fine" I finally agree and they give a small cheer. smile and roll my eyes, I pop an almond in my mouth.

      The bell rings and we dreadfully pull ourselves from our seats. The meals are way too short so we didn't have time to eat. I peek at my schedule and see math, Jim says he has science. So we go our separate ways. I walk into math and sit next to a couple of the people who have been fangirling over me since I told Pam off.
      "There's a party tonight Vella, are you coming?" Sophia Ellis peeps from her desk.
      "Yeah, I am" I smile and nod. "Are you?" I ask and she nods excitedly. The others talk my ears off about their lives but I don't care, they look like they're having a good time and I don't want to be a dick.


7:00 pm

       He looks down at me and squeezes my face as I innocently look up at him.
"Swallow" he demands and my full cheeks disappear. I get up from my knees and wipe my mouth. I give him a huge smile and he kisses me even though We're both out of breath.
      "Fuck, thank you," he says and my breathing hasn't slowed, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"No, I like it," I say and rubs my cheek
      "Oh shit it's already 7:00, we should get going to meet Maeve and Karina." He says as he starts to redo his belt and I pull his hand.
      "Jim we're not ready and I need a little time to calm down" I laugh and he rubs circles on my back. We walk to the bathrooms to shower and get ready.


(Start playing chapter theme here)
      We walk down the gravel path to a somewhat newly abandoned house. I'm.... in one of my favorite dresses. It covers me very well but you can see my curves perfectly. It's black with thin spaghetti straps. His hand wraps around my mine and we walk in. The lights strobe and the music blasts. I cover my ears for a sec and he holds me close by his side. We wander until we find the kitchen. The island had a drink and shot glasses on it so he pours us both one.
"I've never drunk before" I confess and he slides it to me.
"Take this, you're gonna hate it" intake the shot with him and it burns to my stomach.
"Ever been to a party" my face is scrunched but I recover fairly quickly.
"Nope... wow that's ironic," I say and he tilts his head, taking lime white claws for both of us.
"How?" He questions and I gulp. He cracks open the drink and hands it to me.
"Oh, I should probably tell you" concern washes across his face.
"This is so embarrassing oh my god" he takes a sip as he waits for me to spit it out "back in... I don't know early October. Before we started dating. I kinda had a sex dream about you" that tequila is already hitting Damn it.
"Woah! What happened in it" he curiously smiles and I take a sip.
"Well, we were at a party, and you... you know?" I suggest and he smiles "Sorry it's kinda creepy" I apologize and he shrugs
"So it's like hot," he says and his friends walk in. He goes to greet them and tells me to walk over to Maeve and Karina... they're making out.

I know I'm drunk but I'm resisting in a way where I just say random things, unlike some guys here. But you can tell I'm drunk. And I'm chatting with a girl from my science class
"So... what's it's like? You know, with Jim?" Samantha Zhou asks.
"Huge Dick. Like you've never even seen mate" I say gesturing with my hands. She laughs and I do as well. They are about to ask more questions when I see Jim again. I sprint to him. He doesn't notice since let's be honest he's over a foot taller than me. I mean I go up to like his shoulders but it's still reasonable. So I hug him from the side. He looks down and pets my hair.
"Hi baby I was just looking for you," he says and I smile
"I'm tired jimmy," I say and he nods
"Okay let's go home" he agrees and leads me out the door.


He holds my hair back as I throw up in his toilet. I continue to gag a bit and he rubs my back. He rips off a piece of toilet paper and hands it to me to wipe my mouth with it. I sit back up and he hugs me from behind, he kisses my cheek.
"You should probably brush your teeth. Then come to bed" he says and gets up to get changed.

After I'm done doing that I go into the main room where Jim is in his pajamas.
"Come on vel," he says holding my hand and sitting me on his bed. He unzips my dress and lets it fall to my feet. I hug him again. Now I know, when I get drunk I like hugs.
"I love you" I whisper. He gives me a few kisses on my newly exposed collarbone, but he does that every time he can see it.
"I love you too" he replies and gets one of his hoodies and puts it on me.
"Why aren't you drunk?" I question
"Well, I can hold my alcohol better than you. And I knew you would be" he says and picks me up. He places me on my back on his bed and I roll to my side. He gets in and I wrap my arms around him tightly, laying my head on his chest.
"I'm sorry I told someone you have a Big Dick at the party," I say
"What?" He laughs and I smile
"I was talking to Samantha Zhou and she asked what it was like dating you so I said you were a good fuck" I whisper and he continues laughing, bouncing my head.
"Okay, it's okay. Now we know when you drink you like being hugged and you have no filter" he quiets down a bit and kisses my forehead. He reaches over and turns off the lights.


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