Deleted Scenes / 1 year anniversary

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A/n: heyyyy! So it's been a year since I finished this book and I thought I would release some of the scenes I scraped :) I hope you enjoy.

They're scraped plotlines, even whole chapters. I've sectioned them and given them context. Some are bad, some are good, all vella and Jim :)))))


Sat timeeeee. They're public by this point

I slam my head on the library table. We're doing SAT prep and this book has like 700 pages. Jim rubs my back and closes his book, looking at his watch.
"Vella, let's take a break and get something to eat" he offers and I dreadfully lift my head. I look at him and smile
"You tryna' get in my pants, Halpert?" I joke and close my book. He laughs and packs up his backpack as do I.
"No, I want to take you to eat since it's 2 and we haven't eaten" he grabs my hand and leads me out the door. I give him a sweet smile "then I'll eat you out" he adds and I gasp into a chuckle.
      "Oh really?" I tease and he looks at me with a surprised look
     "Oh yeah I promise, you better get prepared," he says and I smile.
      "Where are we gonna go?" I question as we walk down the hallway to go outside.
      "How about a nice café?" He says opening the door for me. I nod my head and we walk around the school to get to his car. We get in and sit for a moment.

      We wander back to my dorm and  before we get in the slams me against the door, one hand on my shoulder and the other on my hip. His entire torso pressed upon me.
"I made a promise" he gives me a low whisper in my ear. He slowly reaches his hand from my shoulder to under my skirt. I bite my lip a bit when he opens the door, almost making me fall over. He shuts the door behind us and starts to fiddle with my underwear.

I slowly release my tight grip from his hair. My head lifts from looking at to ceiling to see him come up from between my legs with a huge smile.
"Can I kiss you?" The sound rings like the first time we went out. I nod and we connect. He lays next to me and we get under the covers. He pets my hair as calm down a bit and lay on his chest.


Around february, Vella is really struggling with how Pam treated her in this plot line.

I just put on some leggings and Ugg's. We walk down the parking lot, dodging the camera and making our way past the gates.
"Wait, so how close are you with Micheal and Ryan and your other friends from Scranton," I ask and he nods
"Yeah, i still talk to a few. We only moved here like a year ago" he explains.
"I know when you moved here I'm not a fake girlfriend" I defend and he stops walking. His eyes meet mine and I look away a bit.
"Well I would hope not" he says somewhat seductively and I blush straight crimson. He pulls me in for a kiss by the back of my neck and keeps it there, full hand spread, his fingers touching my hairline. I get on my tip toes and sling my arms around him for support. He moves his hands to the side of the face and continues I gasp as his lips find there way to my neck and his hands is on my ass. I whimper as he pulls me onto him.

I hear everything Pam says to me glued in my brain:

"You're the reason we're not together you skank!"

"It's your fucking fault anyway so you can't date him"

"You know everyone fucking hates you, you're a bitch who won't fucking spread her legs"

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