𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝚆𝙾 - 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

597 14 8

Chapter theme: 'New Romantics' - Taylor swift

A/n my chapters are gonna be frequent but don't have a specific schedule. So just add this to ur library and you'll get a notification. Happy reading! ;)


September 4th

      I saw my mom's pink women's suit disappear into the Uber my dad ordered and watched as the wheels rolled off the gravel parking lot to the smooth pavement of the street. You could see pieces of gravel scattered on the actual road from the car wheels dragging it with them. I turned away and walked over to my side of the room. I opened the somewhat hidden part of my suitcase and took out posters and another wall decor. I let out a controlled sigh and looked at the built-in alarm clock on my nightstand, 4:27. We have spent the better part of this Sunday getting unpacked. I plopped down on my bed and went into my nightstand for my book.

(Start playing chapter theme here)
      I had left my book in the Uber we used to get from the airport to here. I groan peeling myself from my bed. I put on my uniform to fit in and struggle to put on my tie. My dad tried to teach me but I never paid attention. I walk over to my door. I step out and walk down the hallway. I must've wandered through what felt like a thousand flights of stairs trying got I find the library before I found a traditional black sign that read; "library ➪" I bolted to the right and opened the door to the room. The burst of silence made me slow down and awkwardly scratch my head until I squealed at the loud slam of the door. I came back to earth at the sight of about 30 school children staring at me. I became an unrestricted shade of crimson. I walked and disappeared into the shelves looking for a book.

      "New this year?" I hear a deep voice ask. I look to my side and see a chest. I looked up and saw a sweet face with a dorky haircut that covers his eyebrows.
      "Yeah, I have no idea what's going on. Is it that obvious?" I ask embarrassingly. He chuckles looking down
      "Yup, for starters the fact I saw you wandering around for half an hour trying to find this place" I fiddled with my skirt.
      "I'm Jim by the way" he mentions and I smile.
      "I'm Vella," I say. He put his hand out and I shook it.
      "Well I'll see you around Vella," he says and gives a small smile
       "You too," I say and he strolls away. I continue looking for a book. eventually, I pick out a novel that looks fine.

      I check out and ponder how exactly I got here. I'm yet again confused by this school. I'm kind of getting back on track to get to my dorm when someone steps right in front of me.

      "Saw you chatting with Jim in the library," says a girl with red curly hair that's half up. She's about 3 inches taller than me. So would guess about 5'6". She is very pretty. She won the genetic lottery. But somehow I knew she was bad news.
      "Look I can tell your new here by your tied tie, so let me tell you how it goes around here, Brewster is for people with dignity, not home-wrecking sluts who think they're all that. no girl talks to Jim except me" she demands
      "Look I'm not interested, I just want to be friends. He came up to me and introduced himself" I say shyly. She gives me a judgment filled glare like I was some fool
      "So that's how it's gonna be? Okay bitch, game on." She challenges tapping her foot looking down at me. I'm genuinely scared right now
      "Look, whatever your name is, I'm not trying to-"
      "You know what can it. I've had it" she cuts me off walking away.

I finally get back to my dorm jaw dropped at what happened. I see my roommate. She was all in uniform. She was hanging a "The Weeknd" poster above her bed when she saw me. She had hazel eyes and long, curly, brown hair.
      "Oh hello! You startled me. You must be my roommate Vella! It's so nice to meet you, I'm Maeve" she says making her bed. She has such a nice voice. It's like a waterfall of daffodils, my favorite flower.
      "I'm so happy to be sharing a dorm with you. I just had the worst encounter so it's nice to see a friendly face" I say and she nods
      "Wanna talk about it," she asks
      "I don't know, maybe later" I admit. It was a low key traumatic. Kinda like Trump and Biden's first presidential debate. I knew that if I just calmed down I would feel better and it would be good to talk about it.
      "That's fine, wanna grab something to eat? I'm starving" she asks and I realize I haven't eaten since breakfast, even then I just had a granola bar.
       "Of course!" I nod and follow her out of the dorm with our food cards.

We get back at around 8 pm. We learned so much about each other. Like I learned that her favorite movie is 'the half of it' I've never heard of it but she explained it and it seemed good.

We talked about so much music, clothing, food (of course?)


I'm taking my tie off by my bed

      "So what happened that you didn't like earlier?" She asks brushing her hair.
      "This girl yelled at me for talking to Jim. Is that her boyfriend or something?" I explain. Her eyes widen and she puts down her hairbrush and walks to the bathroom.
      "That's pam. I honestly don't know if they are together. They break every hour it feels like. But this always happens. She blames the people that Jim came up to talk to for chasing after her man. She did that with me, and I'm gay. It's probably nothing" she echos from the bathroom, taking off her makeup, I take off my shirt and change into my pajamas.
      "Why so quiet? You not interested are you" She asks
      "No, of course not, I don't even know him. I had a two-minute conversation with him. He just talked to me about how he knew I knew and we exchanged names" I explain to Her
      "Don't worry pam just sucks you'll get used to her" she says and I roll my eyes
      "We don't have to though like why doesn't someone just stand up to her?" I ask
      "Useless, her dads the headmaster," she says
      "Really?! Oh my god, this feels like a fucking movie. 'No one can stand up to the mean girl because her daddy will fix everything' this sucks" I sigh, I don't get how she's worried about me having a crush on Jim. I've never had a crush before, so I don't know-how. I don't know what it feels like. Plus I don't even know this dude.
       "Come on let's get some rest it will burn off some steam."
      "Yeah your right," I say brushing my hair now, aggressively may I add.
      "Okay I'll be right out," she says and I lay in bed. I set my alarm and she comes out. I turn the lights out and start to drift off thinking of my plan for tomorrow.

I have no interest in taking Pam down.


A/n I made pam the bad guy just for the story. I love her but Vella needs competition

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