𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙵𝙾𝚄𝚁 - 1 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑 ⚠︎︎

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Chapter theme: 'everybody wants to rule the world' -  tears for fears



October 16th

It genuinely amazes me how I've gone an entire month in this school. I owe it to Jim and Maeve, to be honest. They defiantly have had their fair share of being forced to cheer me up after a teacher yells at me. Again, I'm smart, I'm just always labeled the troubled student. I'm horrible at first impressions.

"Jesus, today was a wreck," I say to Jim and Maeve. Jim was walking us to our dorm. He's not aloud on the girl's floor but he's 'sneaking in' I don't know how a 6'3" man is gonna do that but no one has seen him, so that's a plus.
      "What happened?" Jim asks looking me in the eye. I look down quickly not wanting eye contact 'why did I do that?' I think and quickly shaking it off.
      "Well, p-" I cut myself off realizing I was about to tell a story about Pam being a bitch. "Just this place. That kinda what I signed up for though. nothing specific" He looks at me confused and Maeve glares at me knowing what I'm referring to.
      "I heard Brewster is the most chill out of our competition. St. Paul's is supposed to be way more competitive and rule-oriented. But this place still sucks"


      "Oh if it isn't the virgin and the minority" pam jolts out crossing us at lunch.
      "Chile- I'm white. Being gay isn't being a minority. How did you get into this school dumbass?" Maeve says
"And I'm not a fucking virgin" I lie. Pam rolls her eyes. She lowkey just spits in Maeve's face. Over time she is getting bold. Maeve wiped the spit off

"Fuck you," I say

      "What are you gonna do about it? Tell the dean?" She giggles and walks away


(Start playing chapter theme here)

      I shake off the memories and focus my eyes on Jim, they lock. I can't pull them away. His lips, fuck he just licked them.
      "So j- Jim? How was your day?" I ask trying to snap myself out of it. He has a girlfriend... what? Why did that come to mind? I don't like him we're just friends.
      "Cool, I guess," he says
"Your birthday was recent right?" Maeve asks and he nods "yeah, it was the first. I'm 17 now" he smiles
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know" I say and he shrugs it off "it's totally coo- oh this is it," he dismisses and we open the door to our dorm. We wave goodbye and we go inside. We get ready for bed and Maeve rants about how it's horrible how she uses her dad to defend herself
      "I can't wait for the day 'daddy' isn't there to dig her out of the gaping hole she's created. I'm talking about her talking smack and her vagina" I blurt. She looks at me confused
      "Woah, nothing you said makes sense to me," she says backing her head up and squinting her eyes while untying her shoes.
      "I'm saying she's is... you know... stretched" I cough looking down. Maeve looks even more confused.
      "Ohhh, ok that's a fair hit." She gives a good giggle
      "Wait hasn't she only had sex with Jim?" We look at each other awkwardly knowing we're thinking about the same thing. We sit there awkwardly for a while until She hits the lights and I slowly drift off the sleep.


      I'm swaying slowly in one of my favorite dresses. It covers me very well but you can see my curves perfectly. It's black with thin spaghetti straps. I'm a little bored as a slow song plays when Jim comes in front of me. I see him with a casual striped sweater and a collared shirt under it.

      "Oh hey, Jim" I smile.
      "Hey, Vella? You look good" he says and I fluster. I've never gotten a compliment about something like this. Well, I've gotten compliments about my appearance before but this time it took me a while to get ready so it means a lot.
      "Thank you." I beam and he steps closer. he grabs my waist and pulls me in. I put my hands on his shoulders and step with him to the song. He slowly whispers the words and on my neck
"Acting on your best behavior, turn your back on Mother Nature" I feel his eyes looking down at me and he lightly pushes my head to lay on his chest.   

      "You're absolutely beautiful. Ever since that day I went up to you in the library, I've wanted to hold you close like this." He confesses.

The song ends and a faster, none-slow-dance song comes on. He trails to be behind me and slowly grinds onto me. I'm shocked and I whimper and try to grip reality.
      "J-Jim what about Pam?" I say as he finds a good spot.
      "Who's that?" He asks and grabs my shoulders firmly for support. I look into space awkwardly but admiring what happening to me. I turn my head and see him pressing his lips together and furrowing his eyebrows focusing on grinding me.
      "No one I was thinking of someone else," I say and add in a tiny whisper, barely distinguishable as me saying "fuck. yes Jim".

He looks down at me fighting to not struggle as he's rubbing onto me in slow, repetitive, circles now. He leans down to my ear
      "Can I fuck you until you can't think of someone other me Vella baby?" he whispers in my ear, his voice switching. I look up at him.
"Don't answer now" he says and comes back around to me in front of me. He rubs my cheek with one thumb and kisses me. I close my eyes and place my hand on the back of his neck. He pulls away and he looks starstruck. He touches my ass and my breathing gets quicker.
      "Now my love, Can I have you to myself?" he asks and I look away awkwardly. "We don't have t-"
     "Yes" I interrupt and he rubs my back, still hugging me with a cocky smile.

      He takes me to an empty room in... whose house are we in? It doesn't matter. He locks the door and pushes me onto the bed. He unzips the back of my dress. I stare at him eagerly as he takes off all his clothes and uses his teeth to remove my panties. Slowly, he takes off my bra with his hands. I pull his hair a bit as he sucks lightly on my nipple. He presses himself on me and slowly slides in. I wrap my legs around his waist. He pushes them away.

"Stop, I can't take you hard while you're doing that," he tells me. He starts speeding up. He pins my waist down and "lift your thighs higher so I can go deeper" I do. He lets out a small out of breath laugh
      "Good girl" he chokes. I can feel him struggling to catch his breath and frequently swallowing to contain himself.

"oh my god," He groans getting faster. I smile. He looks at me and grabs my face.

"You like that? You like it when I fuck you like that?" He says and I nod. He then reaches for his hand to be behind my neck and attacks me with kisses. I lift my thighs a bit higher and he hits my g-spot. I let out a cluster of moans.

"Jim- I'm gonna cum"


I jolt awake in a sweat. I slowly lift the covers to see that I'm drenched in myself. What the fuck just happened??!!

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