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Chapter theme: Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery


November 25th
(start playing chapter theme here)

I come back to reality from being slammed against the wall of the locked janitors closet, I guess I blacked out a little with his tongue down my throat. I'm not complaining. It's the last day before Thanksgiving break and I have to leave for Wisconsin. So we're making it count during a study hall. He picks me up and holds me against the wall for a better angle of my lips. Now eye to eye, he starts to undo his tie. I open my eyes and look down as I slowly start to stop kissing him. I could feel him getting hard against my underwear, since my legs were spread and my skirt was bunched around my waist. I guess I didn't realize what was happening and what he wanted to do.

He moves my panties to the side and starts to circle my entrance. I don't have time to protest. I look down as his middle finger slides deep inside of me, like deeper than I expected. His hands are really big. My mouth opens and fear plagues my eyes.
"Wow" he says in astonishment with a lengthy smile. "You're so tight honey" I am about to cry. He leans in and I relax a bit. He starts to slide out but then goes back in.

I gasp and he laughs into my lips, thinking it was a pleasurable gasp. My head falls on his shoulder, pulling his hair like really hard. Unless he stops, I'm too shy to tell him to. He starts to pump it in and out slowly, I wince. I decide to just let this happen and let it end. A horrible mindset but I don't want to disappoint him. Relief rushes through me when he pulls away and looks at me.
"What's wrong?" He asks and my eyes are wide.
"I'm... well I'm a virgin," i admit and he widens his eyes. "But like we can do it if you want t-"
"Vel If you think I'm taking your virginity in a Janitors closet..." he looks at me with a confused face. "We can just make out in your dorm. Or you know what, What are you comfortable with?"
"Um... I think I'm okay with anything I just don't really wanna like to have like technical. Like. Sex. I guess. I'm sorry I hate talking about these things" I struggle to get out of my mouth.
"Okay" he says sweetly
"Just, growing up Christian and all it just feels like a big deal even though it's not. Once we date for some time we'll see" He furrows his eyebrows and nods understandingly.
      "No it is a big deal, whenever your ready" he smiles and I hug him.
"But can we keep doing this?" I ask while taking his hand and putting back. He looks confused.
"I thought you didn't like that?" He asks and I giggle "I just needed you to know to be gentle" I whisper with a sweet little gleam. he nods while pulling me back in.

He tries to add another finger and I groan
"m mm" I say and he giggles a little bit, continuing with one


We sneak out of the closet and start walking down the hall.
"You sure you're okay with waiting? Please be honest" I ask him since he's being quiet.
      "I guess I'm just embarrassed okay?" He snaps and my eyes wander everywhere but him. "I'm sorry, it's just... I am. I shouldn't of just, I should've asked you. I shouldn't have yelled I'm sorry" I look up at him and he grabs my hand and swings it back and forth as we walk. I shrug and we go through the door we take to get to my dorm where it takes longer but it's more secret. We get in and he suggests a movie so I take out my laptop. I walk up to my bed and take my shoes off as Jim follows We slide in my bedsit up next to each other. He insists I choose a movie and I do. We start watching and I think he finally builds up the courage to cuddle me because he launches towards me and slides me so I'm laying down. He gives me many repetitive kisses on my cheek, the ones where you're don't separate you just make the noise. I laugh. And he bites my earlobe. I turn to him and we tangle our arms and legs, snuggling for the first time. My head is nuzzled, looking down under his chin. My heart is fluttering with joy but I'm falling asleep. He notices but doesn't dare move a muscle.


"Get up! You guys missed all of the school after extension. Now people are suspicious and you missed work. Don't worry I'm not all cold-hearted so brought y'all copies of the worksheets for the break but people still think you're fucking. I told them you weren't and that I would know" Maeve says opening the door to the dorm with a worksheet on her hands and her backpack on her back. I and Jim open our eyes and see each other.
"Thank you," he says, stretching his arms above his head. I start to sit up. She enters the bathroom after she sets her stuff down. My eyes are still struggling to keep open. He meets my lips and I squeal. He smiles into the kiss. When he pulls away he gets out of bed and I follow him closely next. We grab the copies of the worksheets and head down to the empty library.


"No, it would be 7.382 Jim. You forgot to square the radius" I correct, pointing my pencil at his paper. He smiles at me and looks around the library wary. "What, you dork?" I ask and he kisses me, a very tonguey, messy one too. This is our first kiss in public if you don't count the ice cream date. He continues kissing me while scratching my thigh now. In response, I place my hand on a similar spot but higher up. He stops in his tracks and looks down at my hand that's basically touching his dick. I laugh and move my hand. He leans in for another but as soon as we start to get into it we hear the door click. We quickly separate and turn around; Pam and her friends are at the door. They don't acknowledge us and walk to the opposite end of the library.
       "Um, I think we did enough work. do you just want to finish it in my dorm later?" He asks and I nod quickly, knowing we got lucky they didn't see us and that we need to separate. "Cool, bye" he salutes and packs his bag to head out the door. I wave as I see him disappear and just keep going with the math homework. I hear the tapping of shoes coming closer to the table and pretend to not notice.
"Vella" I hear Pam say. I look up at her as to say 'spit it out'
      "I saw you kissing Jim today," she says and the back and forth are always inevitable.
"what? you didn't see anything were just friends"
"It's your fucking fault anyway so you can't date him"
"We aren't dating. but are you crazy? You're the one who called me 'A bitch who won't fucking spread her legs' that one was on you." I spit and she tears up. I give a fake pouty face before laughing.
"You're just his fucking rebound he will always like her" her friend tries to defend but I just shrug.
"Oh yeah" I chuckle "are you guys mentally deficient? were not dating" I stare at her and she looks at me confused.
"wait... you guys aren't together?" she breathes.
      "yeah, but he doesn't wanna be with you," I say being protective of my boyfriend without even mentioning has my boyfriend.

November 26th
(She decided not to go to Wisconsin)
I head to Jim's dorm to get him for thanksgiving that was having in the dining hall. he opens the door with a smile and an arm pull into his dorm. once he turns me around and slams me on the door, closing it and looking at me.
      "well hello to you too" I laugh, his lips curve a small smile as he looks at mine.
      "shut up" he laughs and slams his lips onto mine, I squeal at his bluntness and melt as his hands roam around my body. His hands are at my ass now, still making out with me. He pulls me up for me to wrap my legs around his waist. he starts to kiss my neck. I gasp into a moan and he kisses up to my ear. He then starts to kiss my lips again, he reaches his hand to my cheek slowly rubbing it and I start to become desensitized by his touch. I feel nothing except his soft lips moving on mine.
      "Jim," I mumble into his lips. He removes himself and clears his throat, still mere centimeters away from my lips.
"Mhm?" He says I shudder at him looking me deep in the eyes.
"We need to go to thanksgiving," I say. He lets me down and holds my hand.
"Come on let's go"

      We go to the dining hall and eat, we had a good time even though we had to act like we were just friends. When we get back to his dorm we do some favors on each other before his roommate, mark, comes back and I have to leave.


A/n This took me a whole 3 years to write what

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