𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙵𝙸𝙵𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽 - 𝚃𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐

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Chapter theme: 'sometimes (Backwood)' by Gigi


Tuesday, June 22th

12:42 pm

      We got out of school early today so Jim and I are getting... intimate in my dorm.
      "Jim, oh my god" I whisper into his lips, trying to make little noise since we're at school.

      I calm down from my climax and he goes to get a towel to clean me up. I try to catch my breath. He quietly snickers to himself while wiping him off me.
      "When's your mom coming?" He asks. "At 2" I return.
      "Should I meet her?" I shake my head slowly, still struggling to catch my breath.
      "100% no." I laugh and he looks up at me.
      "Come on, Moms love me" I give him a doubtful stare. "Please" he smiles at me. I bring him up for a hug.
      "You're the best boyfriend ever, I can't say no to you," I say, cradling his head on my shoulder. He starts to cuddle with me, pushing me down on the bed and kissing my neck. I sigh contently while putting the covers over us. I rest my head on the pillow as he hugs on top of me.
"We should start packing our stuff" I whisper and he doesn't respond. I look to see his eyes are closed. He wore himself out. I play with his hair while humming to him, knowing he's partially conscious. He gives me one more peck on my neck.
      "You're gorgeous" he mumbles. I giggle and Maeve walks in. She often does this, not caring about boundaries and how the only thing covering my bare chest is his. We've gotten used to it. He swiftly rolls off me and covers my chest with the blanket. Maeve opens a window a takes out her suitcase from under her bed.
"Do you mind?" He Jim asks. She turns her head and raises an eyebrow "you're in my dorm" she answers and starts walks to the bathroom to gather some things.
"I know but this is profoundly private." He mumbles while reaching from the side on the bed to pick up his boxers and put them on under the sheets. He gets my bra and hands it to me. He kisses my forehead as he gets up to put the rest of his uniform on. I put my bra on and sit up. I feel the breeze and the birds chirping outside. I side back down onto the pillow and he laughs while putting his tie back on. I get up and start to get my clothes on.
A few minutes later, Maeve slams some stuff in the bathroom. He takes my hand.
"Let's go she needs a moment," he says. "YOU NEED A MOMENT BITCH!" He rushes me out of there. We have a few laughs outside the door.
      "Let's shower in my dorm" he whispers. I nod and we head up the stairs.


I take a dollop of foamy shampoo and put it on his nose.
"Boop," I say in a high-pitched voice. He washes it off and I hug him.
"I'm gonna miss showering with you lover boy," I say and he laughs. "Me too baby," he whispers

      He opens the glass door and aids me out. I have to wake my legs up.
      "If my dad knew we showered together..." I widen my eyes and he wraps a towel around me and kisses my forehead
"Well if you get dressed, he'll never have to know" he whispers and takes me out to the main room. I take out my clothes. I lay on his bed, naked as he takes out his suitcase. I trace my fingers over the trail of hickeys from my neck down to my inner thighs.
"You look like a hooker," he says and I laugh "yeah?" I raise my eyebrows.
"Yeah" he chuckles "you're just laying on the bed naked" I make eye contact and he gets all flustered. I laugh.
"You don't like it?" I ask "stop." He smiles. "You don't huh?" I take his arm and drag him on top of me. We laugh loudly. He makes a 'hmf' noise as he falls on top of my naked body. He gets scared and puts his arms out to not crush me with the 50 pounds he outweighs me.
"Careful, I don't want to hurt you" he chuckles and I rub his cheek. We kiss and he gets in between my legs while kneading my breast. We separate and he smirks at me.
"Can you grab my clothes Jim baby?" He nods and gets up from the bed, walking across the room. He throws me clothes and I slip them on.

The Boy Next Dorm | (Jim Halpert x OC)Where stories live. Discover now