𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚂𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙽 - 𝙸𝚌𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎

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Chapter theme: 'kindergarten' - Chloe Moriondo

A/n that's my YT vid ☝︎︎ (after the photo) please sub or at least view it to help the algorithm. I'm saving up for something (it's important but it's private so I don't want to disclose) and need to get to 1000 sub to get monetized. Thank you :)


October 30th

      He pulls away. I look at him in shock. He clears his throat
      "Do you wanna go for ice cream or something with me?" He proposes, looking at me and awkwardly avoiding eye contact. I nod my head, what's the worst that could happen? Well, pam could find out, tell some fake ass sob story to her dad, and get me expelled. Eh, whatever. I can live with those conditions.
"Ok then, it's a date. I'll meet you here at 1 am. Be ready. Ok?" He says. I am hesitant but remember it's a Friday so the late-night doesn't matter and the Ice cream place isn't that far either. So the cold weather isn't an issue.
"Ok!" I beam, looking at his lips. He probably noticed because he attaches them to mine. He gives me a few, short, wet kisses. I blush as he catches me off guard. He smiles and I get really fluttery.
      "You want me to kiss you again?" He asks and I nod eagerly "yes please" I say and he does so. He pulls the back of my head in. His lips are so addictive, like every time we separate I find myself wanting to feel them again.
      "Cool, see you then," he says pulling away and leaving my dorm.


      After I'm done jumping with joy I look at the time. It's nine. I run to my shower and take off the robe. I get it and let the water run down my back as I'm ecstatic. I've been waiting for this for months. Well, I thought it would be more like the dream but, you never know things could still turn out like that... I dry off and get the same perfume I put on the hoodie, I spray it on my neck, wrists, and general torso. This is different for me because I've never been on a date. 'Come to one Vella it's ice cream, it's not formal, it's not sloppy. Just dress normally.'  I think to myself. I grab one of my favorite winter sweaters, it's the tiniest bit cropped and cable knit. For my pants, I just take some mom jeans and my doc martens. I put on a little mascara and grab my long black coat. I'm from Wisconsin, that state is ARCTIC. It's a heavy-duty coat, buts it's plain and casual. I look at the clock '11 pm' it reads. I have 2 whole hours to kill. What to do with that time? I could do anything productive. Like, plant a tree, finish my 15 missing assignments, text my parents who I haven't seen in months. The options are endless

1 am
(Start play chapter theme here)
I ended up scrolling on Twitter for an hour and a half after failing at finding something productive to do. So about as productive as any other night, I'm if not more so. I see a text notification.

"I'm at ur door. I'm not gonna knock so I just texted u" - Jim

I smile and peel myself off the bed. I go into my drawer and grab a ten-dollar bill. I open the door and see him smiling. I jump
      "Fuck! you scared me I didn't expect you to be right up against the door." I yell at first but try to keep it down towards the end.
      "Sorry" He laughs and I walk out of the dorm. I turn around and gently close the door, not making a sound other than a tiny click. We walk throughout the school trying to be as quiet as possible when we finally get outside. We walk around the school to get to the gate. He pushes me up against the brick wall of the school with his torso since his hands are in his pockets.
      "Woah you wanna fight?" I joke. He gives a tiny smile and looks down.
      "You look nice Vel," he says looking me in the eye. I look up at him. No, he can't be like every other guy. He can't be.
      "Vella can I-" but he is."I'm not gonna have sex with you tonight" I splurged. It seemed like an amazing gesture in my dream but now it was gross. He gives me a confused glare... was he not gonna ask to fuck me? 'Vella you need to learn to get off your high horse' I think to myself.
      "No-" he laughs "I was gonna ask to kiss you. Do you think I'm that low?" I blush so hard it feels Like it's 200°F outside, not 30°F. This is embarrassing. Like I will never recover from this embarrassment.
      "Let me start over, without you thinking I would ask to put it in you on the first date... Vella can I kiss you?"  I nod and as soon as I do the slides his fingers in my hair and kisses me. I open my mouth a tiny bit and he slides his tongue in. He's good at this. I've kissed a few guys before and they were shit. Jim knows how to do it... I don't. I'm moving my lips a bit buts he's doing the work. I'm not very visibly into it But, trust me I am. His hands are wrapped tightly around my waist now. He moves his mouth to my neck and is about to kiss it when he says
      "Um... is it ok if I might leave a hickey?" He whispers, centimeters away from my neck. I could hear him just fine because he was just above my jawline.
      "Mhm," I say and he attaches his lips to it. He's sucking on it and I let out a tiny whimper.
      "Jim, we should probably figure out how to get out"
      "There's no rush we have all night" he manages to say, out of breath.
      "But... still Jim please," I say placing my hands on his chest. He stops and stands up straight.
      "Are you okay? Sorry, I thought- did you say yes? If you didn't I'm so sorry I thought I heard you say 'mhm' and I didn't mean to-" he rambles on and on thinking I was traumatized.
      "No, it's not that. Look" I laugh pointing at the closed gate. "We needed to figure out how to get past the gate. I thought you saw it" we laugh it off and hop the fence.

The Boy Next Dorm | (Jim Halpert x OC)Where stories live. Discover now