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Chapter theme: 'Sleep Thru ur Alarms' by Lontalius



Friday, April 12th

      I almost have an aneurysm trying to get through this algebra 2 problem I turn my head to Jim. At least we have February break together. He grabs my pencil and places it down.
      "My parents and Larissa are going to be in Canada all break, we could go there and have the house to ourselves." He says and I smile.
      "What about Pete and Tom?" I whisper he shakes his head.
      "They don't wanna come back since my parents aren't going to be there" I bite my lip.
      "Just us?" I seductively ask. He trails his hand to my thigh. "Just us." I pull him in when I hear the teacher snap.
      "MR. HALPERT! Don't fall prey to sin" almost forgot we were in a religious setting. We were in our own little world.
      "Yes sir. I'm sorry" he says and I snicker.
      "Come to my dorm at like 6. And be packed." I smile and look back at the paper. The bell rings.
      "Oh and by the way you flip the sign from less than or equal to, to more than or equal to. Cause you divided 16 by -7 so it's a negative now." He gets up and pushes the back of my head lightly. "You learned this in like freshman year you bozo" I smile into a sigh as he leaves the classroom.

      I follow closely and see an extension on my schedule.
      "50 minutes. We could do some pretty great things in that time" I smile and roll my eyes.
      "Don't fall prey to sin Halpert" I say playing with his tie and looking up into his eyes. He smiles and looks like he's ready to whip it out and do me in the middle of this hallway. I lightly push his chest away. "I have some work to do, science is gonna be the death of me if I don't sit down and do some work," I say as I turn to go to the library. He splits ways.
      "You know I'd love to join you but to be completely honest with you, that seems, well, kinda, fucking boring." He walks backward. I reach for him with one of my hands, faking trying to reach for him.
       "I'll miss you and you're out-of-pocket sexual commentssss" I say in a fake yelling voice.
       "What can I say, it's just what I doooooo" he imitates the tone while also reaching out before turning a corner. I laugh to myself while walking through the door. I stop it from slamming, been there done that. I sit down at one of the computers and get to work.

      After I get some done I pull out my book and start to read. After a while, I feel my shoulders being massaged. I turn my head to see Jim standing behind my chair.
      "Jimmy, you scared me" he smiles and I stand up and start to pack my stuff up. we start to walk to French.


      I pack my favorite sweaters and pajama pants. as I rummage through my clothing drawers I find the lingerie from when I went home in December. that feels like so long ago. fold it and put it in my backpack. Maeve is eating Oreos on her bed, watching me
      "lingerie? this doesn't look like a school field trip" she asks while imitating a parental figure. I'm only half paying attention. I laugh softly while putting my bras in a separate bag for my delicates.
      "I like it." I whisper while holding it up. "it's pretty" she responds and my lips curve into a small smile and I make eye contact with her. I continue to pack when my phone rings.

      "Hey, where you at Whitlock?" He asks and I hear his keys jingle a bit and his voice bite from the cold.
"I'll be right down," I say sweetly and we repeat a few cute words to each other before hanging up.

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