Chapter 7: Patsy/Jill Confrontation

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In St Louis, the girls were dancing at the competitions and sitting behind Abby, Dominic, Gianna and the moms was Kaya, she was there as Nicaya had a solo and after the girls' group dance was done, Kaya looked over to Abby and Dominic.

"Abby, Dominic, do you notice that Nia was a entire beat behind everybody?" Kaya informed Abby and her son.

"Nia?" Abby and Dominic wondered.


"No, she wasn't."

"Yes she was. She dances like she has 2 left legs."

"We aren't going to engage with you." Holly said.

"OK, why'd you say anything to begin with?"

"That's rude." Abby stated.

"There can be rudeness from others than you, there's enough rudeness from everybody and if you're going to critique something, you would have seen that Nia was a beat ahead of the other girls." Kaya told Abby and Dominic, who rolled their eyes.

"I'm out of here." Dominic then got up and began to leave as Kaya was getting on his nerves.

"Me too." Abby added as she got up and followed her son as the moms looked irate over Kaya being rude to them, Abby and Dominic.

"Jill, you heard what Kaya said about your little Kendall?" Holly asked.

"Yes." Jill fumed.

"We might fight with Abby a lot, but i bet Kaya was born in a mental hospital." Christi said.

"She probably was." Kelly commented.

"Karma's gonna bite her in the behind." Melissa said as Abby and Dominic were in the Mezzanine and they were eating some popcorn.

"Mom, Kaya thinks she ran un out of there, she didn't, we just left with grace and dignity." Dominic told Abby.

"We sure did." Abby agreed and then minutes later, they heard some arguing and they headed over to see what was going on and it turned out to be Kaya arguing with Jill.

"That girl of yours can't dance! I thought Nia was the one that needed tuning, but after seeing Kendall, it's obvious that Nia dances big time circles around her!" Kaya told Jill.

"We said the same thing about your daughter!" Jill shouted.

"Don't you go there with me, i'll kick your little tail all over this place!"

"Who started this?!" Tell me who started this?!"

"It's funny seeing Jill trying to be all hoodrat." Kelly commented.

"Usually that type of things usually happen in the South and West Sides of Chicago." Holly said.

"I've seen it on the news." Christi stated.

"I have as well." Melissa said.

"You don't want none of this, i can even take on that 16 year old hippie that Abby calls a son!" Kaya exclaimed, looking over at Dominic.

Abby was about to explode over what Kaya had just said about her son, but Dominic looked at Abby as to say 'i'll handle this'.

"Kaya, how about you shut your pork trap and call it a day before you pick on the wrong person? Leave my mom's dancers alone!" Dominic suggested.

"How about you shut up?!" Kaya roared.

"Nope, guess i'm addicted to talking like you're addicted to being stupid!" Dominic retorted to Kaya, who looked gobsmacked at the comment he had just made and didn't have a response. "My mom has had her moments, but at least she has something that you don't and that is dignity and the moms in her studio try to drive her and myself off the rails, but at least they are sane. But it's obvious i can't say the same about you because your behavior was the reason mom kicked Nicaya out of the studio and take this advice, never ever write checks that your lips can't cash!"

Everybody in the mezzanine all applauded the 16 year old young man for the way he held his ground against Kaya.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, i apologize on behalf of my mother's studio, the Abby Lee Dance Company." Dominic apologized.

"You are all a bunch of punks! So apologize for that!" Kaya yelled as she went to look for Nicaya. "Where is my daughter?!"

"We are not a part of that we're really sorry that this happened." Abby also apologized." Abby stated as everybody applauded again, including the moms.

"Well, i'm done saying what i had to say and disengaging!" Kaya said as she headed off and minutes later, the competition announcer brought that to attention and thanked Dominic for calming things down and Nicaya was dq'ed because of her mother's actions and for awards, Maddie placed 1st, Nia was 2nd and the group was 1st and they went back home to Chicago. 

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