Chapter 20: Brawl Aftermath

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The next morning, Dominic was in his mother's hotel room and before they were about to head to Off Broadway Dance Studio, he and Abby had talked about what punishment was going to happen for Jill and Leslie, who were also in the hotel room and even Payton and Kendall were there as well.

"Jill, Leslie, I don't know what gave you two the right to fight on Bourbon Street, you've embarrassed not just us, but yourselves and your daughters and worse, Jill, you shoved Dominic when he broke up the fight!" Abby snapped.

"Well if he hadn't pulled me off, then i wouldn't have had to shove him!" Jill shouted.

"He was trying to be peacemaker!" Leslie retorted.

"If you hadn't gotten drunk, this fight would not have happened!"

"Actually, you were drunk first!"

"Shut up!" Dominic roared at the two moms. "Mom, continue."

"Thanks. Jill, since you started the fight and Leslie was defending herself, we've come to a conclusion, we have decided to send you and Kendall back home to Chicago as Payton and Leslie will stay despite Leslie fighting you." Abby announced.

"What?! You can't do that!" Jill shouted as Kendall began bawling, knowing that because of her mother's actions, she was not going to be a part of Nationals while Payton and Leslie looked on. "Leslie started it first! Why do she and Payton get to stay?!"


Jill got up with an upset expression on her face and Kendall was still crying as her mother took her by the hand, they packed their things up and took a flight back home to Chicago.

"I'm telling you, Jill is becoming a even bigger drama queen." Dominic sighed.

"Yeah, she needs to watch herself because she's finding herself closer and closer out of the ALDC and Kendall is going to get hurt because of her mother's actions." Abby agreed.

"From the way it is looking, they're gonna be out of the studio sooner rather than later." Payton commented, they all exited the hotel and went to Off Broadway Dance Studio to resume rehearsals.

Now Is The Time (Sequel to Time Of Our Lives, Dance Moms Fic)Where stories live. Discover now