Chapter 8 (Act II): Surprise Christmas Gift for Kenzie

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A few weeks had passed and the Abby Lee Dance Company had been more cohesive like never before since giving Jill and Kendall the boot and the week after the violent clash, they had gone to Woodbridge, Virginia and it was Kalani's first competition as a member of Abby's team and there, the group got 1st, Nia didn't place with her solo, Chloe and Maddie got 2nd with their duet and Kalani and Brooke got 1st with their duet and unlike Jill, Kira didn't cause much trouble. The week after in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the group again got 1st and in the pre-teen soloist division, Chloe got 2nd and Kalani got 1st while Mackenzie got 1st in the mini soloist division and in Detroit, Michigan the next week, it was the Maddie/Kalani/Chloe showdown and for the 9th consecutive time the group won 1st and for the showdown, Kalani got 1st, Chloe got 2nd and Maddie got 3rd.

It was now December 23rd and it was two days prior to Christmas and at Abby's condo, the place was decorated with a christmas tree, lights, presents and also there with Abby and Dominic was Melissa, Maddie and Mackenzie, who had just arrived.

"Hey, Abs. Hey, Dom." Melissa greeted. "What's going on?"

"Well, we know it's two days prior to Christmas, but we've decided to give Mackenzie her gift now instead of Christmas Day." Abby responded. "Do you promise to take care of the gift?"

"I sure will." Mackenzie responded.

"Good, we'll be right back." Dominic said as he and Abby went into a room to get Mackenzie's gift.

"I wonder what Abby and Dominic have up their sleeves?" Melissa wondered.

"Who knows?" Maddie replied as Abby and Dominic came back.

"Here you go, Kenzie." Dominic said as he gave Mackenzie the gift, Mackenzie was anticipating on what she was getting and she opened the gift, she then gasped in surprise at what was in the gift and she reached in the gift.

"What did Miss Abby and Dominic give you?" Maddie asked and as it turned out, Mackenzie pulled out a baby female maltipoo that had furry ears which were tan and were dangled down as Maddie and Melissa also had surprised look on her face.

"That's so cute!" Melissa exclaimed.

"It is!" Maddie added.

Mackenzie was overwhelmed, holing her new puppy as tears of joy fell down her cheeks and Abby and Dominic hugged her.

"T-thank you both so much." Mackenzie sobbed.

"You're very welcome." Abby replied.

"Miss Abby, you and Dominic are full of surprises." Maddie complimented as Abby and Dominic nodded.

"Kenz, your puppy is really cute and since it's a female maltipoo, what can be a good name for her?" Melissa wondered. "How about Maisie?"

"Or Bella." Abby suggested.

"What name suggestion do you have?"

"I've got it!" Dominic said. "How about Maliboo?"

The second he said that, Mackenzie's new puppy barked as to say that she liked the name.

"I can tell she likes the name." Melissa commented.

"Yeah." Maddie added.

"What do you think of the name?" Mackenzie asked and in response, the puppy gave a bark to let them know she liked the name and with that, Maliboo became the name.

"Great idea for a name." Abby said to her son.

"Thanks." Dominic stated as Abby gave him the thumbs up.

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