Chapter 19: Smackdown on Bourbon Street

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It was an off day for the Abby Lee Dance Company that Wednesday and Abby and Dominic were walking down Canal Street and tagging along with them was Brooke as the other girls were with Gianna.

"It never gets old spending the day together whether we were in the studio, at a competition or just being out and about." Dominic told Abby and Brooke.

"You know it." Brooke agreed with her boyfriend. "Gia, Paigey and the other girls are at Jackson Square and who knows what our moms are up to?"

"We know, right?" Abby stated. "They're probably gonna get drunk."

"That is very likely."

The three arrived at a shopping mall called the Canal Shops, which has levels, elevators and escalators. They took an elevator to the 3rd floor and approached Canal Place Nails, a nail salon where Manicures and Pedicures were done and there, Abby and Dominic got their manicures and pedicures as Brooke looked on, then they did some shopping.

At a bar on Bourbon Street called the Oyster Bar later on, the moms were all had drinks and were enjoying the evening as they toasted to New Orleans.

"It's wonderful to escape the craziness, especially from Abby and her son." Holly said.

"Yeah." Christi stated.

"We have had a whirlwind of a season and i bet next year, we'll have yet another whirlwind of a season." Holly predicted.

"That's real likely." Melissa commented.

"A heads up to you all, i have informed Abby and Dominic this morning that Asia and i talked and she'll be done with competitive dancing at the conclusion of this season, but will still take classes at the ALDC." Kristie informed.

"So this'll be Asia's last competition?" Leslie wondered.


"Well, move over because i'm moving in!" Leslie exclaimed gleefully, thinking that Payton was going to take that spot as the moms, especially Jill rolled their eyes. "Also, i saw Abby and Dominic pass by and they had beads."

"Ok, we don't want to know how they got beads." Christi gagged.

"Dominic told me that he and Abby bought them at a store." Melissa assured.

"Thank goodness."

The moms finished their drinks except for Jill and Leslie as they headed downstairs to the exit and started to head back to the Marriott to call it a night.

"Somebody should get Jill, she looks like she's gonna go nuts." Leslie commented.

"At least i'm a real dance mom unlike you and i will stand here!" Jill exclaimed.

"Why are you yelling at us?" Leslie asked.

"This may get ugly." Melissa whispered.

"Yeah." Christi agreed.

"It probably won't be long until one of them starts Wrestlemania on Bourbon Street." Kelly added.

"I'll say in a few seconds or so." Kristie predicted.

"Me too." Holly said.

"I was talking to the other moms, shut up!" Jill retorted as a crowd began to form, sensing a fight about to happen.

"You know, it's obvious that you have had too much to drink!" Leslie snapped at Jill.

"Whatever!" Jill, then she knocked the cup out of Leslie's hand and tackled her and with that, a all out brawl between the two moms began with a lot of slaps, hair pulling like a good old catfight as the moms had trouble trying to break it up and during the fight, Leslie scratched Jill in the face.

Meanwhile, Abby and Dominic were walking on Bourbon as Brooke was back at the hotel with Gianna and the other girls, then they noticed there was a crowd with people shouting.

"Mom, it's obvious a brawl is happening." Dominic guessed.

"Yeah." Abby responded as Melissa came to them. "Melissa, what's going on?"

"Abbs, Dom, we're glad you showed up when you did, Jill and Leslie are brawling!" Melissa exclaimed.

Abby looked at her son and he looked at her, they both had irate expressions on their faces over hearing two of the studio's moms were fighting. They ran over and saw that Leslie and Jill were brawling, Dominic pulled Jill off as Abby pulled Leslie off and then Jill was so mad at Dominic, then she shoved him, causing him to fall to the ground as Abby and the moms gasped and so did the crowd.

"Dom! Are you ok?" Abby asked, concern on her face as she went over to check on her son as Melissa and Christi helped him up.

"Other than a few scratches from hitting the ground, i'm all right." Dominic responded, dusting himself off as Abby nodded, then she turned over to Leslie and Jill, who were also brushing themselves off and they saw the irate look on the dance teacher's face and they knew they were in for it.

"WHO STARTED THE FIGHT?!" Abby demanded.

"Jill started it first!" Leslie accused.

"No, Leslie did!" Jill responded.

"Abby, here's what happened, we were coming from upstairs in the Oyster Bar and then Jill and Leslie were drinking too much and then it got bad and it turned into a brawl." Melissa explained.

"What do you think should happen?" Holly asked.

"Tomorrow, i'll let you know what will be the result of this fight on Bourbon Street." Abby answered, then they all headed back to the hotel for the night.

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