Chapter 16: Return of The Millers

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The day was July 8th and at the studio, the moms and girls even Kendall and Jill were all in the Dancer's Den wondering when Abby and Dominic were gonna come back as Melissa and Christi had visited Abby and her son, who were caring for Maryen.

"Hey, everybody." Christi and Melissa said.

"Hey." Kelly responded.

"Does anybody have a clue on when Abby and her son are going to be coming back?" Kristie asked.

"I don't think they're gonna be coming." Melissa replied. "From what they told me and Christi is that they're staying with Mrs. Miller today. But they did say they'll be back at one point."

"Yeah, but family comes first and assured that they'll be back before Nationals." Christi added.

"Good to know." Kelly commented as Gianna came into the Dancer's Den.

"Chloe's got a solo, Asia and Mackenzie'll be in a duet and everybody will be in the group." Gianna replied.

"What about My Little Kendall?" Jill wondered as Gianna just rolled her eyes in annoyance as she exited the Dancer's Den and it was obvious that she, like Abby and Dominic, was getting tired of Jill.

Three days later, the girls were working on the group dance and in the parking lot of the studio, a Chevy Explorer Limited SE pulled in and following the vehicle was an Escalade and the vehicles parked. Getting out of the van was Dominic and getting out of the Escalade was Abby and they walked in the studio

"We're back!" Abby and Dominic announced.

"Hey, Domino!" Brooke exclaimed, giving her boyfriend a hug and kissed him on the cheek and he kissed her on the cheek back as everybody awwed.

"Hey there, Brooke." Dominic replied to his girlfriend as he and Abby were hugged by Gianna the girls.

"Welcome back, Miss Abby. Welcome Back, Dom."

"Thanks." Abby stated, smiling and some of the moms slightly froze ssing them return and saw them smiling as they did not know what to expect, Jill though, was hoping that they'd let bygones be bygone and move on from the drama she's had with them.

"They are back." Kelly commented.

"I bet they found the food trail." Holly laughed while Melissa, Christi, Kristie and even Kelly rolled their eyes.

"They're smiling, but we don' t know what's going on." Jill observed, then she noticed Abby and her son were glaring at Kendall.

"Kendall, you think for one second we're going to forget that your mother caused drama and now you both thought you could pull a fast one while we were away?" Abby raised her eyebrow as Kendall moved back.

"There's a lot of tension and it's so think, you could cut it with a knife like a steak." Kristie stated.

"Yeah." Christi agreed.

"Kendall's probably thinking, yikes, they're back." Kelly predicted.

"That could be it." Melissa told them.

"If you have to be here, oh, we're gonna make you work big time." Dominic said. "You won't be doing any solos, but you'll be in the group dances only for the remainder of the season, so that is better than not being in any dance at all."

"Abby, Dom, you both making her work her lazy tail off and only having her be in group dances was a genius move." Gianna complimented them as they high fived.

"We know, that's gonna make Kendall and her bird brain of a mother wish they'd never walked back in the studio." Abby added and once the rehearsal was finished, she and Dominic signaled for the moms to come downstairs into Studio A and they went to see what they wanted as Gianna watched.

"Hey, moms." Dominic stated as the moms came into Studio A.

"Welcome back." Christi commented as Abby and Dominic nodded as to say thanks.

"Where have you been?" Jill questioned.

"We were judging at Starpower." Abby stated.

"That was this past weekend, five days ago to be exact."

Abbya nd Dominic rolled their eyes as Jill was pestering them.

"You do not need to know where we are." Dominic simply retorted.

"We aren't Abby and Dominic's Keepers." Christi stated.

"Yeah, what they do is none of your business, Jill." Melissa added.

"Just like they aren't mine, it was none of their business where i was when i was not here!" Jill yelled.

"Mom, we're caring for grandma as she is in the last stage of colon caner, judged Starpower and we had to come back to this?" Dominic grumbled to Abby.

"That's the case, unfortunately." Abby agreed and she looked at Jill. "Jill, why are you even here?"

"I'm a part of the team."

"Seriously?! After that hissy fit you had over Kendall being given a new solo on the week of the recital, how you had the audacity to walk back into mom's studio with all these people who wheard you and your ugly mouth, is beyond us!" Dominic growled at Jill. "Suddenly, you want to return and your so called Little Kendall wants to be here and you tried coercing Gia into choreograping a solo for you and she told you no, but you kept badgering her over and over again, but she held firm!"

"You know it." Gianna stated.

"And another thing, you broke the contract of the Abby Lee Dance Company!" Abby added.

"So did Abby Lee Miller and her son, Dominic Miller as it said in the contract that they would provide a nourishing, healthy enviorment and not a toxic, unhealthy one." Jill retorted.

"The only person that's providing a toxic and unhealthy enviorment is you, Jill because you're not only driving Abby and Dominic nuts, but you're driving everyone of us nuts!" Christi yelled at Jill.

"Are you kidding me?! You're gonna let Abby and Dominic double team me?!" Jill fumed.

"We're not fighting your battles for you Jill, you're on your own." Melissa said.

"Abby and Dominic may be tough on our girls, but it gets results." Kelly stated and Jill stormed out, then the moms exited as well.

"Mom, i'm getting tired of Jill." Dominic told Abby.

"Me too. Sometimes, i wish we'd chosen Brookie or even Payton had we known Jill was going to do this. Her ice is getting more thinner and thinner by the second." Abby agreed.

"And it won't be long until it breaks, i'll say around early next season."


"Abby, Dom, i forgot to let you know that Cathy will be at the competition as Nick has a solo against Chloe and the usual group dance against ours and in the event you can''t make it, we'll win for you and Mrs. Miller and also, Cathy will be at Nationals as well." Gianna informed.

"Thanks for the info." Abby said.

Abby and her son weren't able to make it to the competition, so Gianna took the girls and moms to the competition and there, they beat the Candy Apples as Chloe beat Nick in the junior soloist division, Asia and Mackenzie got 1st inthe duet/trio division and the girls got 1st in the junior small group division and that meant a clean sweep for the ALDC and after the competition ended, it began a two week break before Nationals.

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