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On their way to the Pavilion they reserved to stay for a few days, Diluc couldn't seem to shake the strange man out of his thoughts. He had always been a perceptive man, and oddly enough, he had quite the skill to peak through people's emotions through reading the language of their eyes. 

And in that moment, when he saw the man gaze at his own wife, his eyes spoke familiarity and longing. As if he had known her for a very long time. And it confused him, for that couldn't be. Afterall, he knew Anthea all his life. 


But then again, he went away for years to venture all over the world in hunt for the abyss order. So was the man someone Anthea met when he was away?


Diluc's eyes widened. He was pulled away from his thoughts by the familiar soft warm hands touching his cheeks. Slowly, he gazed into his wife's comforting eyes. Her beautiful aquamarine orbs were his calm in the multitude of his disorienting thoughts. 

"You were spacing out, what's bothering you?" She spoke calmly, leaving comforting chills deep within his soul.


"Yes, dear?"

"I feel uneasy." He muttered as he rested his head on his wife's chest.

"Tell me everything, I'm here." She replied, gently stroking his fiery hair.

"It may be immature of me, but the man you bumped into earlier feel different. It's as if he's been specifically waiting for you to meet there. I'm sorry for feeling like this." He told her anxiously.

"I understand." His wife replied as she  placed a kiss on top of his head.

"Don't ever be sorry for having emotions." She told him as she placed another kiss.

"You're so understanding that I sometimes wonder what on Teyvat did I do to convince the Archons that I'm a man deserving of your love." He whispered. 

"You're worthy Diluc. I wish you could see how perfect you are in my eyes. To tell you the truth, I've been feeling very uneasy too lately. Everysince we've arrived in Liyue. But despite everything, always remember this, my Love.. " She whispered, stroking his hair away from his cheeks.

"That I am yours."

That Night, although he felt as if people would come and steal his wife away from him any moment, Diluc had fallen asleep peacefully, bearing into his heart his wife's promises.

From the other side of Liyue, the Adepti's abode has once again witnessed the aimless wrath of their Former Archon. Though they haven't seen it for many years,  the intensity was as great as they remembered. 

"I told you, She has a different life now. " The Yaksha told him.

"Who is he Alatus? Who is that man who had stolen her away? How come fate has allowed this without my knowledge?"

"Rex Lapis, please. You're not above whom that weaves destiny. You cannot question them."

Tears of wrath and grief fell from the eyes of the god of contracts as he crushed the rock with his bare hands.   "This cannot be. You must help me get her back, Alatus. We must get her back."

"I told you. I have no intentions of disrupting her new life. She's better of without the both of us."

"She's not. She died in great sorrow because I was not able to fulfill our promise to get married. And I shall fulfill it now for her. That's what she's always wanted. She just doesn't remember."

"No. She deserves more than being tied to the likes you. She died because of us. I will still honor my cotract with you by defeating the demons of this land, but you cannot control me when it comes to her."

The former Archon gritted his teeth. " You were brought into life by the blessings of my powers"

"You're wrong! I was brought into life through a mere flower Nymph who has willingly carried my wisp form into her womb just so I could be born even at the cost of half of her lifespan. Therefor I shall do everything in my strength to protect her this time." With that, The Vigilant Yaksha left the former Archon alone in the midst of his wrath.

The god's last wish (Zhongli/Diluc x OC) Where stories live. Discover now