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"You're fighting style amuses me." The young man muttered with a haughty grin as he attacked with his dual blade, which Anthea easily parried.

"What could the Fatui possible want with me?" 

While it was true that the abyss order once pursued her, never in Anthea's life has she ever been targeted by the Fatui. Now that she has thought clearly of it, she has never really discovered the Abyss order's purpose of trying to get a hold on her. Could it be related to why the Fatui was after her all of the sudden?

"My dear Favonius Knight, we can benefit plenty out of you." The Harbinger muttered in a sinister tone as the two of them exchanged blades.

"I do not follow." Anthea hissed.

"You want me to enumerate? Very well." Slash. "First, with you in our hands, we can also hold control of Monstadt's most powerful man."

Slash. Parry.

"Second, with you in our hands, we can also hold control of the Adepti and the Geo god's behaviors in the future."

Slash. Parry.

"Third, with your Fairy essence, Shneznaya will take hold of unlimited power strong enough to foster a lifetime of live stocks. "


Anthea understood about the adepti, but she found it hard to comprehend how the Geo god's behavior was connected to hers. She held no memories of the Geo Archon, nor who he was.

"Whatever do you speak of, I will not allow anyone to use me for such selfish means."

"We need not ask your cooperation, you will yield no matter what."

"You're wrong, young man, I will not yield." Anthea yelled, twisting her entire body to give one big blow.

As her sword clashed the Harbinger's blades, a gust of carnation petals danced to the harbinger's direction, every flower sliced through his skin like blade. 

"You have quite an attractive technique, plenty flexible too. Too bad you're married."

Anthea was not at all pleased on how the Harbinger worded whatever came  out of his mouth, her annoyed state allowing her to land a kick on the young man's face strong enough to make him take a few steps back.

"I shall let my sword teach you respect." She hissed as she drew her Crystal sword to the side.

"You have all the time in the world to teach me anything you want once I take you to Shneznaya."

"What makes you think you'll be coming home with a hostage today?" She whispered, the wind magnifying her voice. 

More petals gathered her parameter, until both Anthea and the Yaksha was fully succumbed. As the petals dispered in the wind, both of them disappeared from the Harbinger's side.

Diluc has regretted everything he has told her wife out of impulse. As he sat alone in their chambers, caressing the empty side of the bed, he was left alone to reflect what he had just done.

He knew of her fears of being left alone that he himself instilled inside her mind when they were younger. He vowed to never make the same mistakes again during their wedding, yet he had broken that vow just because of his emotions that got the best of him.

He knew the truth, he knew she wouldn't have let the Geo Archon even lay a hand on her in such a manner, much more let him kiss her like that. Yet at that moment, he made her feel that he did not trust her.

As he trailed his fingers on their sheets where his wife was supposed to lay alongside him, his fingers stumbled upon Anthea's favorite head accessory. It was a golden clip adorned with pastel flowers. Diluc gave it to her during their younger years as a gift, and from that moment, she had always worn it no matter the ocassion. Even in their wedding,  she managed to sneak the little clip in even though Adelinde has been trying to remove it every once in a while because according to the helper, it did not go well with the wedding dress.

Diluc chuckled at the memory as he sadly held her flower clip into his chest. It has only been a day without her, but the constant fear of not seeing her anymore kept him awake. 

He has always been afraid. Ever since his father died, and Anthea once almost did, the fear had turned into something that haunted him day and night. And only at his wife's warm embrace, will he ever feel secured.

The god's last wish (Zhongli/Diluc x OC) Where stories live. Discover now