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Anthea broke away from her husband's arms. It startled Diluc, worriedly he asked, "Is there something wrong, Thea?"

But her wife was in a daze, her gaze empty as tears fell from her eyes.

Diluc held her arms, but she broke away once again and stepped back.

"I left him." She whispered. Diluc's eyes widened as he realized what was going on.

"Thea, please, talk to me." His voice trembled. The day that he feared the most has come when he was least prepared.

As if she had no awareness of her surroundings, Anthea kept stepping back, and just as Diluc was about to grab her hand, a portal opened behind her. And before he could even react, his wife was swiftly taken away.

Diluc's knees weakened. Devastated, he fell to the ground. A romantic music played once again, but this time, his wife was no longer in his arms.

"Fatui.. " He angrily hissed. Flames unkowingly enveloped his fist as rage blurred his surrounding. The Fatui had killed his father, and now they took away his wife. Just what more could they want from him?

"What happened here?" Xiao asked, dashing towards him. Not so long after, Razor and Bennet followed.

"They took her. The Fatui took her away." No matter how hard he suppressed his rage, it wouldn't stop clouding his judgement. At that moment all he wanted was to push his claymor on every Fatui's neck.

As he held his chin up to look at the boys, he caught a glimpse of the Geo Archon from the crowd. He immediately stood up and rushed towards him, aggressively grabbing the god's collar. 

"You did something didn't you! What have you done to my wife!" He yelled to his face. But the god was unfazed.

"She deserves to remember her previous life." The god spoke, his glare  matching Diluc's deadly ones.

"What part of married do you not umderstand?" Diluc growled, losing his mind by the minute.

The Archon gritted his teeth. Giving in from his temper, he grabbed Diluc's collar harshly and spat to his face, "She wouldn't have married you had she remembered me first!"

Diluc's eyes widened. With one final glare, he let go of the god's collar, as the god did with his. 

In all honesty, he was scared. He was so angry because he was scared. And he was feeling desperate because he was scared.

Why? He yelled in his thoughts. Why is everyone trying to take away the people he cared about?

"I have no time for this. I need to find my wife. " Diluc muttered, walking away back to Xiao and the others, putting a great emphasis on the last word.

"Such outstanding endurance." The harbinger laughed maniacally as he once again activated the torture machine that squeezed the bones on Anthea's legs.

She whimpered in pain, but still refused to utter a word. The harbinger whom identified himself as Scaramouche has done every possible torture he could give. He had tried slashing her, plucking out her toe nails, lashing her, and and crushing her bones with the torture machine the Fatui themselves designed. But she had uttered none, and given them nothing. 

They could torture her to their heart's content. And she would continue to heal herself. The Fatui has underestimated her endurance.

"Come on, Fairy. Make this easy for yourself, give us what we want already!" He spat to her face, harshly grabbing her by the neck.

Frustrated, the Harbinger kicked her face and then grabbed her hair. But instead of speaking a word, she threw him a glare which stunned the Fatui. Her aquamarine eyes glowed hues of crimson, as if she had the intent to kill him.

Unbeknownst to the Fatui, all Anthea wanted was to protect the child in her womb. She could be tortured all he wants, but if anything happens to her child, she is prepared to make him pay. 

"Enough of that now, Scaramouche. Signora is summoning you." A familiar voice spoke from behind.

Scaramouche turned to face Tartaglia whom he was exceedingly annoyed with. To him, the man can never be trusted.

"At this hour?" The harbinger skeptically asked.

"Have you turned deaf? If not, surely you heard me." Tartaglia teased, a threat hidden beneath his tongue.

With a doubting glare, Scaramouche had let go of her hair and walked away. Her face harshly fell to the ground, but it was better than being held by the likes of him.

With a worried look on his face, Tartaglia broke her shackles and carried her frail body away from the torture room and towards his chambers.  "You've endured enough. I apologize for coming late."

"Don't you have the same goal as that jerk of man?" Anthea weakly asked. Even though she had the power to heal, the deep wounds remained unchanged, so did her broken legs.

"I do want what's best for Snezhnaya. But I still consider myself as a decent man. I woud never resort to torturing such a kind soul."

Anthea felt the sincerity in the man's words. So for a moment, she allowed herself to lean on him. As he layed her on his bed, her vision began to darken. 

He was right. She had endured long enough. And she was tired.

The god's last wish (Zhongli/Diluc x OC) Where stories live. Discover now