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The atmosphere inside the car was so tense that you could almost cut it with a knife.
Yoongi tried his best to look at the road ahead and focus on his driving. He can't help but feel strained because of the intense gaze that was directed upon him from the very start.

" You're still so sweet."
She finally dares to speak after waiting for Yoongi to initiate a conversation. Her hands finds their way off to Yoongi's that's resting on the gear shifter.

He looks at her hand, the touch doesn't mean anything to him. No one can make his heart flutter like Jimin do. Even when the younger isn't doing anything in particular, he still enchants Yoongi , just like now.

Minhee continues to ramble about her life stories and what not. But, the only thing that's on Yoongi's mind is Jimin's fierce gaze and the way he said 'He's our son' to Minhee. He automatically smiles on remembering it. Angry Jimin is kinda cute.

" Are you free on Friday ?" She places her hand on Yoongi's thigh without any warning, making Yoongi slam the breaks in the middle of the road. It was fortunate that there was no car trailing behind them or it could have lead to a mishap.

He should have known that this wasn't going to be a very comfortable ride from the start. But his morals didn't let her go alone at such an hour. He is just doing his duty as a mere human, it's her fault for taking this as a sign of flirting.

" Minhee ssi." Grabbing her hand , he turns to look into her eyes. His fingers grasps around her wrist harshly, he could see her wincing because of the pressure applied.
" I've a son." He pauses for a second before saying the next part. He's contemplating if he should say it or if it'd be too much.

" And I've a future mate too." He know he's getting a bit too ahead with his lie but at this moment he's willing to do anything to get her hands off him.

Minhee finally takes the hint and retreats her hand back. For the rest of the ride, she sit there silently, squirming uncomfortably in her seat. She didn't even spared him one glance. The taste of rejection sits bitterly in her tongue.

It's not long after she sees her stop. Getting out of the car , she didn't even thanked him or bid a proper goodbye. Stomping her feet in frustration, she walks away from the car, shutting the door with a loud thud sound. Her cheeks puffed up in vexation and her eyes rolling in exasperation.

Yoongi laughs to himself at her reaction. He can't believe he was head over heels for her at some point in his life. It's fortunate that their relationship didn't last long and she wasn't able to do much damage to him.

Turning the volume a bit louder, he starts to hum along the song as ge drives back to Jungkook's house. It's not been much time but he's already missing Jimin and Haru. He don't know what will happen when he'll finally move back to his house.

He passes his weight from one foot to another. Restless, he rings the door bell once again. He could hear some muffled sound from inside but nothing he could make out a word of.

Jungkook takes immensely long time to open the door making Yoongi worried as he stands outside. The door is close up to the living room then what's taking him so long.

" What took you-" He stops in midway to take a good look at Jungkook's face. His hairs are a tangled mess, as if someone has pulled them with high force. His before tidy shirt is now all messy sticking out of his jeans.

" What's wrong ?" Jungkook didn't answer , but just slides away to let him see the mess himself.

The cushions that were before well seated on the sofa were now lying on the floor. The carpet was flipped upside down. The crushed cans decorated the floor along with some other items. And on the farthest corner sat an almost teary eyed Taehyung along with Jimin.

" Hyung." Taehyung cries out once Yoongi is visible to him.
His hairs are a mess just like Jungkook and his clothes seems disoriented too. Did something happened when he was gone ?

Jimin doesn't turn around from the chair he's sitting on. Yoongi can't see anything but his back that is facing him right now.

Taehyung hide behind his hyung , holding into him for his dear life.
" What's wrong ?" He asks again , hoping this time he would get a answer from Taehyung , but the younger is just behaving like Jungkook.

He pokes his head a little from behind him and points his finger towards Jimin.
" Jimin ?" He feels Taehyung nodding his head behind him.

With a sigh, he separates Taehyung out from him. He's sure it's one of the many games that the two bestfriends like to play with each other.

" Jimin ah." He calls for the younger but there's no response. He don't even look back on his name being called.

" Jiminie." This times he move a little bit closer to him but it's futile.
" Ji-" Jimin tilts his head roughly 45° in Yoongi's direction, nothing but his eyes could he seen from that angle. But those shining ferocious eyes are the one that make a shiver run up and down Yoongi's spine.

His feets automatically steps backward, ready to get farther away from him. But, Jimin is quick to beat him in agility.
Just a second ago he was sitting on the chair, his back facing Yoongi and now he's grabbing Yoongi by the collar.

" Hyung." Yoongi has never seen what satan looks like , but if he really exists he's sure he'd look a lot like Jimin right now.

" Jiminie, what are you doing ?" He tries his best to sound calm but his face covered in sweat tells a whole different story.
" Did you have fun with Minhee ?" He tightens his hold around Yoongi's collar , almost choking him to death.
Yoongi tries to loosen his hold on his neck. But it seems like Jimin has magically grown stronger somehow.

" Jimin what are you-" Jimin didn't let him complete his sentence instead he just give him a hard push , making him stumble to the ground.

" Minie likes hyungie so much but why don't hyung like minie."
He grabs Yoongi's face in between his small hands, squeezing and pulling his cheeks. When Yoongi's face makes a particular funny shape , he bursts into laughter.

Yoongi is quite shocked himself from the sudden turn of events. One moment ago Jimin was about to prance upon him and now he's just.... acting so cute ?

" Hyungie why don't you like minie?" Jimin is talking in a 3rd person's point of view. And that only happens when he's drunk. The sickly sweet sour odour finally finds its way to his smell glands and everything makes sense now. Jimin is drunk. Jimin is fuckin' DRUNK !

He twirl his head to find Taehyung and Jungkook already sitting on the ground on their knees, bowing down to him. That explains that they're the one behind this.
He'll make certain that they both see the very end of their lives today.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now