Chapter 35

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Jin Ling's mind was in a disoriented state as he frantically ran to the Koi Tower.

As he arrived, he realized that there was an unprecedented burning heat. His pupils dilated in shock as he noticed the rising fire on the Koi Tower! The entire building was engulfed in the flames, and cries could be heard from inside.

Jin Ling's hands shook. His lips quivered.

"What's... happening?" He whimpered.

His hands clenched into a fist. He could feel his frantic heartbeat leaping and drumming against his chest. Finally, it settled down. Determination shone in his eyes. "Guards!" He hollered. About twenty guards kneeled down at his side.

Jin Ling looked at them. "What are you loitering around for? Aren't you going to put that fire out!?!"

"But..." a guard whimpered. "That fire... it's impossible to put it out... and the people inside can't be saved..."

"Who told you that!?!" Jin Ling scowled.

His face was full of dignity and pride. For once, he felt the anger for not being able to save others... to protect others. Jin Ling turned around to face the rest of the guards. "Here are your orders; borrow water from the lake or from families. However, don't borrow too much. Just use enough to put out the flames for some time."

"...what about Sect Leader Jin?" The wimpy guard spoke up. Although his voice was wimpy, his own nature wasn't.

JinnLing glared at him. "What else? I'm going in."

Gasps erupted from the guards and bystanders. As they gasped, another puff of fire ignited in the Koi Tower. Jin Ling's face was ugly. "GO NOW! Scram! What are you waiting for!?!"

At the mention of their work, the guards immediately fled for water.

Some families were earnest and nice enough to borrow them buckets of water. When the guards came back, they had several buckets of water. Sometimes, the water would accidentally spill, however, the guards would make sure to scoop them back into the bucket.

"Sect Leader Jin!" A guard hollered. "We have the water!"

"Aim the water at the entrance!" Jin Ling ordered. As he yelled and ordered, Jin Ling could feel the distraught unearthing in his heart. Shao Qing and Jin Chan are still in there... his hands clenched so tightly that red marks appeared in his palms. Blood leaked out, warming his palms and slowly returning his sanity.

Suddenly, there was something on his shoulder. It was warm.

Jin Ling looked at the source, dazzled. "Sizhui?"

Sizhui looked at him gently. "A-Ling... I'll go inside and get everyone out. You stay out here-"

Immediately, Jin Ling shoved the GusuLan cultivator's hand off his own shoulder. "Who do you think I am? I'm a Sect Leader. I need to take responsibility." He turned back to look at the fire in the Koi Tower. It was slowly dying down from the water.

"A-Yuan." Jin Ling's voice softened. "Prepare cushion mats all around the Koi Tower. Borrow them from families. You'll need it to check the people's injuries."

Sizhui reached out to Jin Ling. He wanted to hold the latter in his arms all the time. He didn't want to lose him again-

Then, Jin Ling ran into the Koi Tower.


The sound of swords clanking against each other resounded in the Koi Tower.

Shao Qing wiped the blood off the corner of her cheek. Then, she redirected her sword in the direction of Wang and Ming, who had a layer of flesh scraped off their wrist in order to escape from the handcuffs. The two traffickers each held a sword, then rammed against Shao Qing's one sword again.

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