Chapter 6

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Jin Ling clenched his fist. He suffocated the temptation to slam it into the wooden wall he was hiding behind. His ears were well-cleaned and itching for more conversations. And indeed, they got what they wanted.

"What's wrong, Jingyi?" Sizhui's soothing voice had lost its charm.

"I know what's wrong! You were feeding the incompetent brat with my cooking without me knowing? Come on, Sizhui! I know you can do better than that!" Jingyi's loud obnoxious voice hurled into the air, blaring Jin Ling's ears with a deafening blow. "Calm down, Jingyi!" Sizhui hissed. "Calm down, and let's talk this over."

"There's no need to talk this over! I know what happened!" Jingyi yelled.

"No. Jingyi, that's not it-"

"You felt bad for the brat, didn't you? So you decided to just give him your pity—even if he didn't want it. Don't you understand? Even if his parents aren't in this world anymore, it doesn't mean he needs special treatment! You're spoiling him enough already! Just give it up."

"Huh? Where'd that come from?" Sizhui's voice shook. "I'm not pitying him!"

"Then what are you doing? Protecting him underneath your wing?"

"I'm just... being a friend."

"Friend? Where'd you get that term from? You only met him a week ago, and you're already friends?"

"Yes. What's wrong with that?"

"Why would you need another friend when you've got me?"

     "Huh? Jingyi? Is it bad to have more than one friend?"

     "Are you calling me dumb?" Jingyi's voice went full-throttle, blasting at Sizhui with a horrendously loud volume. "No! I'm not calling you dumb! You're just misunderstanding." Sizhui exclaimed.

     "That's the same meaning!"

     "Can't you tell, Jingyi? No matter what happens, you'll always be my friend!" Sizhui persuaded.

     "And can't you tell, Sizhui? I know how you look at him all the time! Once he's by your side—even if I'll always be your friend—you won't need me for anything!" Jingyi cried.

     It was at that time where Jin Ling decided it was enough. He heard enough. Energy flooded in his legs as he dashed away from the scene, with terror clinging to his limbs, dragging like immense heavyweights. Shock was pounding at his chest, hammering like drilling a nail against wood. What am I going to do. What am I going to do. His mind spun ferociously, burning with a sense of determination.

"Jin Ling?" A familiar person had wide apparent eyes at the younger cultivator. "ZeWu-Jun?" Jin Ling responded with a similar expression. "What are you doing here?" Jin Ling continued.

     "I..." Lan Xichen blinked. "In actuality," he lowered his voice to a whisper as he leaned towards Jin Ling. "I received a meeting invitation from the Qinghe Nie sect. I was about to go, but my uncle insisted on taking my place. And so, I have to cover for his sudden absence for this week."

     "So you'll be our teacher?" Jin Ling asked. Xichen smiled with a nod. "That's right."

     "Oh. That's great," Jin Ling rolled his eyes sarcastically while remarking. "Guess I'll see you soon." Even though his appearance was calmer than ever, his heart was beating heavily as if its weight had doubled then tripled, and lastly quadrupled. His legs began shuffling back and forth, moving forwards to the classroom where swarms of cultivators were gathered and seated mannerly.

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