Chapter 8

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"Can you believe it? The Lan Sizhui is hanging out with him."

     "Are you kidding me?"

     "Why would they hang out with each other?"

     "I wanted to know that too, but Sizhui just keeps running to that brat like a homeless dog."

     "The poor guy. He's probably threatened or something."

     "I doubt it. How can Sizhui be threatened by Jin Ling?"

     "You've got a point there."

     "Maybe he's keeping an eye out on Jin Ling."

"Shut up! ZeWu-Jun is coming!"

     Xichen trudged over to the group of disobedient GusuLan disciples, with his mourning clothes swiftly scraping by his feet. "I assure you that the next lesson is approaching closer. Please file mannerly into the classroom. You're late." He smiled politely, with soft dimples relatively placed on his two cheeks. "Of course, ZeWu-Jun." The group had stated firmly, nodding simultaneously.

     Little did they know that Xichen had overheard their conversation a long time ago, and was already planning their punishment.

     The Young Mistress had sat dazedly in the classroom, with his attention wholly focused on the nearby potted plant. He knew that many others are suspicious of him being with Sizhui—and he did not care.

"Jin Ling! Seeds! Feed me lotus seeds!" A shove was placed at his shoulder. "Stop it, Wei Wuxian." Jin Ling groaned.

Wei Ying had beamed a warm smile. "Why why why?"

Right by his side was Lan Zhan, who wore a prideful but tranquil expression. His forehead ribbon had swayed majestically by his back, as Wei Ying had twirled the ribbon with a spare finger. "Why me, when you have him." Jin Ling scowled. A grimacing expression played on his face, with his eyebrows leaning downwards of his head. "Oh, that's true!" Wei Ying smirked.

"But what if I tell you that Lan Zhan is forbidden to be next to me within a radius of 2 meters?" Wei Ying poked Jin Ling by the cheek. Then, the Young Mistress had noticed it. Although he stood beside Wei Ying, it was a radius of two meters apart. "It's all Old Man Lan's fault. I even got my name carved into the Wall of Discipline." Wei Ying sighed.

"Oh, but don't tell him I said this." He reminded before derailing on. "Just because he doesn't want me to express my love to Lan Zhan—doesn't mean he has to separate us by a radius of two meters."

Jin Ling already knew many pairs of curious eyes were directed towards him and the commotion, but paid them no mind.

"So, Jin Ling? I'll give you the lotus seeds, you just need to feed me." Wei Ying instructed.

"No." Jin Ling sternly claimed. "Go find another husband to feed you."

"Find another husband? Hmm, who is suitable for that role? What about Jiang Cheng? Nah, he's my brother. Then what about Xichen? That wouldn't work, he's Jiang Cheng's property. Then, who else?!" The Yiling Patriarch had cried. "You do realize your husband is right next to you, right?" Jin Ling groaned.

"I was just joking though." Wei Ying frowned.

     "Senior Wei," Sizhui had calmly walked over to the commotion, with his hands tucked underneath his sleeves—which resembled a draping curtain. He bowed, "may I ask what business you have here in Cloud Recesses?"

     "Too many to count on both hands." Wei Ying yawned.

     "I need to tell my brother-in-law news, I need to tell my nephew, I need to tell my son, I need to tell my step-brother, I need to tell my uncle-in-law, I need to tell the young disciples as well."

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