Chapter 41

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Silence had habitually taken over the meeting.

A series of frenzy emotions switched over on Jin Ling's face. One moment, he was thrilled. His heart raced and drummed against his chest. The next second, he felt disappointed. He had spent so much energy on hosting the meeting, only for an atrocious matter to be announced. Afterwards, he felt tired. He was fed up with Sizhui's antics.

Jin Ling's face changed from red to dark to green.

None of the Sect Leaders dared to let out a peep. They were afraid for Sect Leader Jin's face to blow up with a variety of colours. They knew the underlying truth of him being a cut-sleeve, and didn't needed to be reminded by seeing a rainbow across his face.

Abruptly, Wei Wuxian let loose a whistle. He found the entire situation very entertaining.

Jiang Cheng heard it loud and clear. He shot Wei Wuxian a 'not now' look before returning to check on his nephew's condition.

Jin Ling hid a clenched fist underneath his long sleeves.

He really didn't dare to mess anything up.

His sharp glance swept over Sizhui. What was he supposed to do with his misbehaving lover? Sometimes, Jin Ling had the idea to punish Sizhui with a thousand knives cut. But then he'd torment himself by saying that it was too torturous. However, right afterwards, Jin Ling would be reminded of all his past troubles.

He really wanted Sizhui to know what it meant to mess with the wrong person!

Perhaps, Jin Ling should just chain Sizhui to the underground chamber and slash him with a thousand whips! But his heart would always soften.

And Jin Ling would remind himself that he wasn't a sadist.

He tried to calm and steady his breathing. He wasn't in the mood for a proposal! He needed some time to prepare! Jin Ling's eyes widened as he scavenged for the missing appeal in the image. Where was his ring!?! Don't tell him that Sizhui didn't prepare a ring for the proposal! What about the matchmaker? The betrothal gifts? The exchanging tokens?

Just thinking about it made Jin Ling's blood rush to his head in anger.

This was clearly a rushed proposal! He didn't think Sizhui was the type of person to mess such an important ordeal up!

Behind his fan, Nie Huaisang's hand shook. He coughed while nervously averting his eyes away from the kneeling Sizhui. He nudged towards Jin Ling, "Sect Leader Jin, how will you react to Lan Sizhui's proposal?"

Jin Ling wanted to blow up right then and there.

What else? He was going to show what a real proposal should look like!

However, just before he opened his mouth, he realized something was wrong. How come his thoughts were all messed up? Shouldn't his normal mindset be to reject Sizhui and pursue the justice and righteousness in life?

Immediately, Jin Ling shrank back in discomfort.

There was definitely something wrong with himself! Regaining and recollecting his thoughts, Jin Ling tapped the surface of the table repeatedly. Those taps resounded in the room, and the Sect Leaders all brought their attention to the panicking Sect Leader Jin.

The Sect Leaders and representatives were originally shocked to the core by the outlandish proposal! However, they were even more bewildered when they noticed Jin Ling's two pearly ears turn red!

Nie Huaisang's jaw had already dropped to the floor five times while hiding beneath his fan!

Jiang Cheng's glance turned stern. How come his nephew wasn't responding? At that moment, Jin Ling looked like a robot who just broken down from having to compute too much information.

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