Chapter 26

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     "Cannibals?" Sizhui rose from shock.

     Shao Qing nodded while crying, "to avoid any suspicion, they buried the remaining of his flesh and blood into the soil. That had ruined the ecosystem. The water became polluted, and the soil would refuse to grow any plants. Then, they made up that if anyone left the cliff, then they'd die the same way Cheng Du did. I've always wondered why they'd do that. It turned out that it was so they'd have a bigger amount of food to feast on.

     "I knew that I couldn't stay any longer, so I escaped. Ever since then, I've worked by Young Master Jin's side as his obedient maidservant. However, there was a time I went back to Town Cheng Du to visit. I heard that the civilians feared about my birthday. I've learned everything about the people going missing, and how they were probably killed by me. It was then I realized that my cannibalistic sisters have spread those rumours to replace the truth- the truth that they've been kidnapping the people and storing them as food."

     Sizhui's eyes widened, "so that's why you said that Town Cheng Du is dangerous..."

     Shao Qing nodded, "I didn't want Young Master Jin to go anywhere close to the Town, but he had to get rid of the fierce corpses, so I reported to him the situation. I just never thought he'd neglect the matter and go by himself. I could only request help from the other maidservants, but... they all neglected the matter as well. You did too, Young Master Lan. You went by yourself, which caused the downfall of Young Master Jin."

     Sizhui wanted to retort, but deep down inside, he knew that she was right. If he'd brought backup, maybe he'd be able to slaughter all the fierce corpses and then save Jin Ling. However, he was selfish.

     "Now then," Shao Qing wiped away her tears, "I need to go issue an away mission."

     "An away mission of what?" Sizhui was alarmed.

     Shao Qing smiled, "an away mission to rescue Young Master Jin."


Jin Ling touched his chin. Something did not add up with the three sister's story.

How could their ancestors possibly hear the sound of God? The family was just a regular one. There was nothing unusual about their status. So why would they lie about the curse and the deaths?

"There's definitely something unusual going on." Jin Ling analyzed.

Jin Chan sighed, "it's almost 'time'. We should board the house, otherwise we'll be killed by the fourth sister's ghost."

Jin Ling nodded, "we need to shield from the remaining three sisters."

Jin Chan casted him a confused glance, "the three sisters? What are you talking about?"

Jin Ling eyed him, "do you truly believe in the curse?"

Jin Chan frowned, "of course I do!"

Jin Ling smiled, "do you really think that the soil went rotten by itself? Do you truly believe something like that is possible? Do you truly believe that the water went bad by itself?"

Jin Chan's frown had deepened, "What are you talking about?"

Jin Ling stood up, "doesn't the water look like blood to you?"

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