Chapter 12

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     "Warm..." Jin Ling had dazed. "His hands were so warm..."

It had been a while since Sizhui left his sleeping quarter, and the Young Mistress was already yearning for the sensation of their hands embracing each other. Jin Ling's face blushed as he imagined themselves skin up against skin—with warmth transferring from one to another. "No no no." Jin Ling frowned, shaking himself out from the daydream.

     "I need to rest. There's no telling what'll happen tomorrow." He pressed to himself. Hurrying his footsteps, he thrown on his nightgown and slipped under his bed covers, with a sense of emptiness embedding his body.

     But as it turned out, his hands weren't the only things warm.


     "What am I going to do..." Sizhui had paced around his sleeping quarter, worry plastered over his face. "Just do what you always do." Jingyi was right next to him, sitting improperly on the table. "You basically asked him out, aye?"

     "No," Sizhui sternly pressed. "I did not."

     "Then what did you do?" Jingyi sighed.

     "I... asked him to meet me tonight in the courtyard." Sizhui groaned, pressing his palms up above his temples.

     "Then confess and deal with it." Jingyi deadpanned. It was unordinary to see Sizhui so inarticulate, and that could bring up thousands of rumours. "But..." Sizhui whimpered. "What if... I make him uncomfortable?"

     "At least, you won't be worse than a rapist." Jingyi scoffed.

     A look of shock had been thrown onto Sizhui's face as he was baffled, "me? Compared to a rapist?"

     "You guys did sleep together though, amirite?" Jingyi shot him a taunting glance. Blush had tampered with the taller GusuLan disciple's pale skin and round cheekbones, as Sizhui melted into a puddle of shame and embarrassment. "How did you know about that?" He stammered inexplicably.

Jingyi rolled his eyes. "Ever wondered how in the world I managed to figure out you've been feeding the spoiled brat my food?"

Sizhui was dumbstruck. "How?"

Jingyi lightly coughed before continuing on. "I was going to send you extra leftovers of the food, until I caught the brat and you finishing your punishment. The moment I saw you gave Jin Ling my cooked food, I knew something wasn't right. Which was why I snuck around, only to find you having perverted thoughts while tucking in the brat, aye, Sizhui?"

     "I was not having perverted thoughts." Sizhui opposed.

     "Then why did you sleep in the same bed as him?" Jingyi argued.

     "I was just tired, that's all." Sizhui's face was currently burning up to such extreme measures, Jingyi was afraid that the young cultivator would exhaust all of his energy and evaporate into thin air. "Okay okay." Jingyi sighed. "I'll forgive you just this once for having dirty thoughts. But the next time I see you misbehaving, I won't hesitate in spreading a stimulating rumour about 'Sizhui hooking up with an innocent brat'."

Sizhui had weakly smiled at the horrifying threat from Jingyi. "Of course. I won't let Jingyi down."

The taller cultivator never had the peace of mind to think about 'why would Jingyi be so concerned' as passive thoughts of different ways to confess to Jin Ling had flooded his brain. His cheekbones were sore as he muttered uttermost bizarre subjects to himself.

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