Chapter 21

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     After that night, Jin Ling and Sizhui were secretly engaged.


It was the Mid Autumn Festival.

     It was the time where leaves began to orange and redden, with brown exhausting at their sides. And it was also the time where Jin Ling began to hibernate. "A-Ling," Sizhui asked the younger cultivator who had snuck underneath a blanket, "What are you doing?"

     Jin Ling poked his head out sweetly, "I'm undergoing a momentary crisis,"

     Sizhui's interest was piqued, "what kind of crisis? Your A-Yuan is always here to help."

     Jin Ling frowned, "it's the Mid Autumn Festival today. It's supposed to be a day of happiness and family. But how am I supposed to be happy with Uncle and his face paralysis."

     Sizhui cuddled Jin Ling while he was still covered in the blanket, "What are you talking about, A-Ling? You are my family. There's no need to be afraid."

After his auspicious remark, Jin Ling settled down. Sunlight shone inside the bedroom, with the golden furniture all emanating a bright and brilliant glare. "Look at you..." Jin Ling frowned, "being so arrogant all the time..."

     "Arrogant?" Sizhui was confused. What apart of me is arrogant?

     "Whatever." Jin Ling frowned, "just let me down."

     After Jin Ling settled back down on his bed from Sizhui's arms, he snuck a quick glance at his lover before dashing out of the room. Sizhui could only stare—completely speechless. Is A-Ling okay?


     It was the afternoon of the Mid Autumn Festival.

     And Jin Ling was nowhere to be found.

     "Have you seen Young Master Jin?" Sizhui asked a nearby maidservant, who shook her head to his answer. "No, I haven't seen him since this morning. However, I remember seeing the Yiling Patriarch visiting over with HanGuang-Jun. Maybe they're together."

     "Do you know where Senior Wei and HanGuang-Jun is?" Sizhui's eyes had shared a sign of hope.

     The maidservants giggled, "Lan Sizhui, that I cannot tell."

     Sizhui's eyebrows had furrowed, "How come?"

     The maidservant smiled, "Young Master Jin told me especially."

     Filled with confusion and puzzlement to the limit, Sizhui could only stomp off back to Jin Ling's room. He was clueless of the entire situation, and was concerned as well. What if A-Ling is missing? But Senior Wei and HanGuang-Jun should be with him... A-Ling should be fine...

     "Yo, Sizhui." The said-cultivator was frightened when he found Jingyi scurrying out from underneath Jin Ling's bed.

     "Jingyi?" Sizhui was alarmed, "What are you doing here!?!"

"Calm down," Jingyi frowned, "I've never seen you so worried before."

Sizhui laughed, "and I've never seen you so thoughtful before."

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