Chapter 43: Birthdays And Shows

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~Lex's P.O.V~

January 12 2012 (warning things after the talent show go pretty downhill)

I woke up to silence that morning. I glanced around the room.

"Hello?" I called. No one answered. Where was Dani and El? I thought. I got up and got dressed into My purple high tops, distressed blue jeans, a pink T-shirt with a black vest on over it. I pulled my hair into a braid over my right shoulder and put on some pink eye shadow and glittery lip gloss. Then I stepped outside of my dorm and slowly started to walk down the halls. They were quiet. A little too quiet. I passed a couple of classrooms expecting to see kids inside but no one was there. I finally got to the boys dorm and I knocked. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I stood outside the door thinking where in the world was everybody. Then the door knob turned and Niall appeared on the other side of the door. He was wearing baggy jeans and he was topless.

"Hey Lex! What's up?" He asked.

"Where is everybody?" I asked

"Well the boys and the girls are getting some breakfast. I already ate so I'm getting dressed and everyone else is probably preparing fro the talent show. The principal announced no classes today which is sweet!" Niall said.

"May I come in?" I asked.

"Sure thing!" Niall said stepping away from the door so I could enter. "I'll be right back" Niall said racing into the bathroom.

I looked around the boys dorm. Man this place is messy. Five boys sharing a room can sure make it messy.

Niall came back into the room wearing a T-shirt with pictures of Mustaches on it. His hair was flat on his head so quickly took a brush and flipped it up like he normally does.

"You ready?" He asked grabbing his dress pants dress shoes and dress shirt off of the table.

"To do what?" I asked

Niall smiled his braces smile.

"To go see the others."

"Oh yes I am" i said laughing.

Me and Niall walked down the halls and to the stair well. We were just rounding a corner when a girl with black glasses and red tips on the ends of her blonde hair slammed into Niall. Books and clothing flew everywhere.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" Jade said gathering her stuff.

"Hey it's ok it was just-" Niall stopped talking because now he was looking directly at Jade and their fingers were on the same book. And they were touching.

Jade handed Niall his clothing and Niall handed Jade her books. They were smiling at each other. I grinned. Maybe Niall has found that perfect someone after all.

Niall shook his head releasing himself from His trance.

"So uh you going to the show tonight? Me and the lads are performing." Niall finally said.

Jade shook her head.

"I wasn't planning to. I wanna read this great book. But I might come." Jade replied.

"What book you reading?" I asked.

"The secret garden" she replied in a sweet voice.

But I noticed she was still holding the "How to Play Guitar the Simple Way" book.

"Well really hope you can make it" Niall said waving to her as we went in our separate directions.

"Who was that?" Niall asked me after about 10 minutes.

"Jade Willows. Works at the front desk in the library."

"Man she's pretty" Niall whispered.

I smiled. I think there might be a new romance going on.

Me and Niall continued down the stairs ad we passed the theater and Niall stopped me. "I have to run in her for a moment c'mon" Niall said.

We walked into the theater. Niall hoped on the stage and I followed him backstage. We walked over to A Rack of clothing with a Sign that said One Direction and he placed his clothing on the rack between Harry's Blazer and Liam's Vest.

"Ok let's go find the others" Niall said.

We walked back out of the theater through the big double doors and we walked in the direction of the cafeteria. We passed lots of kids and adults with sets and props. It seemed as if everyone was preparing for the show. We walked into the cafeteria and it was completely empty except

For 5 boys and 3 girls one of those boys was standing on the table pretending to surf.

Me and Niall looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Why does Louis do this?"

I asked

"It's just Louis" Niall said

Just then Louis noticed us watching him.

"And they finally emerge!" Louis yelled jumping from the table.

Everyone turned to us and smiled.

"Hey what's up?" Niall said.

"Nothing much just waisting time before the talent show" Liam said.

"Well it's 11:30 and the show starts at 12:00 so we should probably getting going down to the auditorium" Zayn said.

"Aww rats we were just there" Niall said.

The boys broke into a chores of laughter.

I walked over to Zayn and pulled a box from my purse and handed it to him.

"Happy Birthday Zayn!" I said.

"Wow thanks Lex!" He replied.

He ripped open the box and opened it. His eye widened.

"Wow! Theses are like the best drawing Pencils on the market! Thanks" Zayn said giving me a hug.

"Your welcome!" I replied.

Then I turned to Perrie.

"Did you guys do anything for Zayn that I missed?" I asked.

"Well we had some cake and Zayn opened some presents but that's it" Perrie said. She walked over to Zayn. "I just can't believe he's 20" then she gave him a hug and the 9 of us walked down to the auditorium that was busy and loud with students and teachers that had taken their seats and acts and stage people rushed backstage.

"Well we're gonna go backstage. You guys go find some seats and we'll see you after the show." Liam said.

The boys said goodbye to us and the four of us girls found some seats in the audience.

"Well they're actually doing this" Dani said.

"I know Right! I'm so proud" El chimed in.

Then the lights went dark and a hush fell over the crowd.

Here we go. I thought

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