Chapter 41: A Tale to Tell

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~Harry's P.O.V~

It all started on a normal saturday afternoon. Dani had invited us to sing at her birthday the next day for entertainment. We had talked for a really long time planning our song so we decided on Use Somebody and Torn. We spent the next few hours practicing and practicing. Finally Dani's big Birthday bash arrived and Liam was freaking out. He wanted us all to look and sound perfect because as you know it was Dani's birthday. His Girlfriends birthday. When we arrived at the garden where the bash was being held Liam immediately ran to Dani. Louis went over to El and Zayn to Perrie, leaving me and Niall by ourselves. The party was going great that is until we had to perform.

We had gone on the stage and sang torn that went absolutely perfect. We were getting off to a great start.

Then came Use Somebody. That performance was a disaster. Some kid in the front row thought It'd be funny to slip a little water and ice onto the stage right near Liam. He had begun his solo after us and he began walking towards the ice. I noticed it at the last second. I had screamed at him to stop but it was too late. Liam had slipped on the ice and landed on his back. He stood up and everyone burst out laughing. Liam had torn his trousers. One huge hole was in the side of his leg and his Boxers were visible. I remember Liam had turned a bright red and everyone continued to laugh at him. Except Dani, El and Perrie. Tears had formed in Liam's eyes and he had ran off stage crying now. The four of us tried to finish the song but we couldn't because by this point everyone was booing us and laughing. I remember tears had started to form in my eyes and the four of us had dropped the mikes and ran off to find Liam. We found him in Port a potty, crying. Hard.

"Liam come on out we're going home." Louis had said. Liam came out and the five of us had snuck out of that place as fast as we could. We got home to our homes and Liam announced.

"I am never. Under any circumstances singing ever again" we all agreed. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of our lives especially Liam. We vowed to never let it happen again and One Direction were no more.

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