Chapter 37: More Snow

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~Lex's P.O.V~

January 7th 2013

It snowed again last night. Now there was an amazingly thick layer of snow outside. Some kids from the collage were outside throwing snowballs and making snow angels. Tomorrow was mid terms, so to relieve our tension we all decided to go outside.

I grabbed my brown coat and red scarf and Dani and El grabbed their coats and scarfs too, then we ran down to the boys dorm to tell them to come outside with us.

When we walked in we burst into a fit of laughter. 10 seconds after we walked in Perrie walked in all dressed in her coat and scarf and the second she walked into the room with us she broke down laughing.

Liam and Louis were dead asleep on the couch. Louis's head was on One End and Liam's head was on the other their feet overlapping each other. Zayn was in the desk chair fast asleep with a blanket strewn over him. And Niall and Harry were on the floor laying directly on top of each other.

"Take a picture of this! PLEASE!" El whispered still laughing. I pulled put my iphone and snapped a picture of each little scene. Zayn in the chair, Liam and Louis on the couch, Harry and Niall on the floor.

"Send me the one of Zayn!" Perrie said. "That's gonna be my wallpaper.

I gave her a thumbs up, then we walked over to the boys.

"Ok how should we wake them up?" Dani asked.

We thought for a moment.

Perrie snapped her fingers.

"Noise! Let's make noise."

She went over to a cabinet and pulled out some ear plugs.

"Here girls put these in." She said handing them to us.

"What are these for?' I asked her.

"So we don't kill our ears."

She walked over to the stereo. Me, El, and Dani got the message. We quickly put our plugs in. Perrie raised her eyebrows at us. We gave her a thumbs up.

Then Perrie turned on the stereo and turned up the volume way loud.

All 5 boys bolted up right. Zayn fell out of the chair and Liam fell off the couch. They were all screaming. But Louis's scream was the most high pitched AND the funniest.

Perrie snapped off the radio and once again we were all in a fit of laughter.

"So not funny!" Liam shouted.

"Oh C'mon!. It was little bit funny!" Dani said coming over to Liam and wrapping her arms around his torso.

"Humph." Liam grumbled. Then he stood up.

"So why exactly did you wake us up from our lovely dreams?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes.

"We wanna go outside. It snowed and we want to make the most of our day before mid terms." El replied while pecking Louis on the cheek.

"Ok ok. We'll get dressed. But all of you out!" Harry said shooing us out the door.

The 4 of us sat on the floor in the hallway waiting for the boys.

"How long does it take to get dressed!?!" Dani finally said. "It's been 2 hours! What is taking so long!?"

"I'll check." El mumbled standing up. She was about to knock on the door, but when her fist was about 2 inches away from it, the door flung open and our groggy boys came walking out in scarfs and coats.

Louis was rocking a black coat, gray scarf, fingerless gloves, and white ear muffs. Liam had on a gray coat with a hat over his head (since everyone knows Liam doesn't have much hair and needs to say warm:1) and he had a green plaid scarf around his neck, and black gloves. Zayn was wearing a plaid shirt with a black bubble vest on over it, black hat over his hair with the little blonde highlight sticking out from under it, and white gloves. Harry had on his brown coat and blue scarf and greenish fingerless gloves. Niall had on a black bubble coat with the hood pulled up over his hair. We were all ready.

We made our way down the stairs and El couldn't help herself and she asked.

"What in the world took you guys so long to put coats on!?"

"Well Louis kinda got out the spray on cheese from the cabinet and we had a spray on cheese fight and then it got ALL over me so I had to take a shower and we had to clean up." Liam said.

"Oh my gosh....I'm dating an idiot." El whispered.

"What!?" Louis asked her.

"Nothing!" El said looking at him and smiling. Louis smiled and we continued downstairs.

Once we got outside Louis of course did something stupid.

"SNOW!" He yelled then he fell backward and plopped into the snow.

Everyone began to laugh and run around and stuff. At one point Niall hopped on Louis's back and they ran around until they both fell down in the snow and were laughing. Dani and Liam were making a snowman. Dani kept putting all these little twigs in the snowman's head so it looked like little pieces of hair.

"What are those for?" Liam asked her.

"It's hair!" She said smiling.

Liam looked confused. Dani rolled her eyes.

"The snow man has a buzz cut see?"

Liam still was confused.


Liam got it. He tackled her into the snow laughing and giggling. Then he kissed her on the lips and they were good. Zayn and Perrie were busy pushing each other into the snow and making snow angles then Niall would run through them and mess them up. Me. I just stood over by Harry and watched it all go down. Harry looked at me.

"Watch this!" He said. He reached down and picked up a huge glob of snow off the ground. He aimed and hurdled it. It smashed to pieces right on Louis's back. I covered my mouth holding in my laugh. Harry was grinning.

Louis turned around slowly so now he was facing Harry. He grinned and grabbed up a snowball too and threw it at Harry who ducked and instead the snowball hit Niall who was right behind Harry, right in the hood.

"AAAAAA!!!!" Niall screamed. "THAT WENT DOWN MY NECK!!!" He turned toward Louis and threw a snowball, but Louis dodged it and it hit Liam in the shoulder. Liam turned towards Niall and threw a snowball but of course Niall dodged and it hit Zayn on the back. Then Zayn threw a snowball and by then it was a full out war. Snowballs were flying everywhere. Me and Harry tried to dodge them but I got hit in the shoulder by one. Louis threw a snowball and it hit Harry on the head.

"OWWW!" he groaned. He looked down and gasped. "ROCKS!?! LOUIS YOU FILL YOUR SNOWBALLS WITH ROCKS!?!" Louis laughed but then he got hit in the face by a snowball from Liam. That dude had sick accuracy. He was a really good thrower. And through all this commotion and chaos, i found myself looking up into the dorm windows and I saw in one of the windows a pair of sparkling gray eyes, framed by black glasses. Jade. She was sitting at her window just staring out at us. Her eyes were fixed on one thing though. They darted around following that object. I looked in the direction she was looking. It was Niall. I looked back up at her window but she was gone. What's up with Jade? I thought.

After the war was finished and Liam was declared the winner because he hit the most people, we were covered in snow from head to toe. We walked inside and when we got to our dorms we stripped off our coats and put them in the bath tub so the water didn't go everywhere then I changed out of my wet jeans and put on a pair of gray sweatpants, a purple sweat shirt Harry had given me that said JACK WILLS on it, and my light brown Uggs, and of course I did all this after I took a nice. hot. shower.

We walked back down to the boys dorm, where they were all changed and warm. Harry smiled when he saw my sweatshirt. Zayn was making hot chocolate for everybody, and I took mine and sipped it slowly, letting the warm creamy ness warm my whole body.

We all sat quietly in the dorm listening to the tick of the clock. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. I lay my head on Harry's shoulder and twirled my finger through one of his curls. I closed my eyes and was soon fast asleep. Pictures danced across my mind.

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