Chapter 29: Heart Broken

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~ Niall's P.O.V~

I saw Harry and Lex hold hands. HOLDING HANDS! I mean this doesn't really mean they're together does it? I mean does it? But anyway after I saw that before class I walked around outside to clear my head. Ok so they kissed once and they spent christmas together. So what! I could still have her if I wanted to. I just couldn't believe they were together. They couldn't. It's not true.

I looked around at the bushes on the outsides out the school and I saw the prettiest red rose I had ever seen. I got some scissors and cut the rose. It was perfect. I looked at it. It reminded me of Lex. I walked inside the building planning to give the rose to Lex next time I saw her. I walked around a corner and stopped dead in my tracks. There was Harry and Lex kissing. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I dropped the rose on the tile floor and took off down the opposite hallway. Tears were in my eyes now. I finally slowed down and stopped at my locker to get my books. I whipped the tears from my eyes. One escaped and rolled down my cheek. I suddenly got a queazy feeling in the pit of my stomach and my heart felt like it was ripping in two. I walked into my class room and told my teacher I wasn't feeling well. I told her I was going back to my dorm to rest and she just nodded. She was a very sweet and understanding teacher. I walked into our dorm and threw myself onto Me and Zayn's fold out couch bed and cried. I lost the one I loved to Harry! The one who always gets the girls. Why doesn't anyone love me!?! Why doesn't anyone want me!?

Why do I have to be Heart Broken?

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