Chapter 32: New Years

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~Lex's P.O.V~

January 1st 2013

New Years came and we all spent it together not to mention a little midnights kiss from Harry! It's was so amazing. The 9 of us all together hanging out. It was incredible. Best New Years ever!

At one point after the big count down and my kiss. Fireworks started to explode outside. We all quickly ran to the window to see the sparks of Gold and red and Green bursting into the starry night sky. It was miraculous.

I leaned my head against Harry's shoulder and watched the fireworks reflect on the glass of the window. I glanced over at the couch and noticed El and Louis eating popcorn together. Dani and Liam were watching the fireworks together. Then Zayn and Perrie were laughing while Zayn tickled her. I smiled happy everyone had somebody to love. But my smile faded when I glanced over at Niall.

He was standing at a window watching the fireworks. The light reflected off his blue eyes and they shimmered even more than before. I guess I felt bad for Nialler. So I walked up to him and took his hand in mine and led him over to where me and Harry were and I just held Harry's hand in my right and Niall's in my left. No one was left out here.

No one

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