Chapter 50: Confrontation

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~Harry's P.O.V~

(Warning: if you don't like reading about people getting hurt or crazy maniac boyfriends with knives stop reading now! Other wise enjoy the rest of the story!:D)

We walked between the trees not making a sound. Birds chirped here and there. But other than that the wooded land was silent. You could hear a pen drop.

"Man this place gives me the creeps" Niall whispered.

"These prints go on forever!" Liam whispered back.

I glanced around at the shadowy grove. Birds flew above the trees and squirrels chattered on the branches.

My thoughts were interrupted when I slammed into Niall who was in front of me.

"Hey! Why'd we stop?" I whispered.

"I don't know Liam stopped and I slammed into him" Niall replied. "Liam what's the matter?"

"Theres blood on the ground and it continues on where the tracks are" Liam said.

"Let's go!" I whisper shouted.

Niall shoved Liam forward and we were moving again.

Finally we came to a clearing and all three of us froze dead in our tracks.

"LEX!" I screamed rushing forward.

Lex was lying shivering in the snow. Her hair was in her face and her lips were blue. She had no coat on and her body was as cold as ice. The worst thing of all about her appearance was the fact the her scar had been reopened and was bleeding.

I lifted her limp body and held her in my arms.

"Lex? Speak to me please! Who did this to you!?" I yelled.

"Kent" she whispered. "He came back for me."

I took off my own coat not caring if I was increasing my chances of hypothermia. I didn't care. I cared more about Lex. I draped the coat around her shoulders and she looked up and me finally opening her eyes.

"Run!" She whispered.


"RUN!" She whispered. Louder this time.

"Lex what are you-" I was cut off by Liam.

"Harry! Turn around slowly." He whispered.

I stood up with Lex in my arms and turned around. I saw the most Horrible sight you could ever see.

There was Kent. Eyes screaming death. His hair was dirty and he looked like he got run over by a bus. He had a menacing smirk on his face and in his hand he held a bloody pocket knife.

I helped Lex over to tree and leaned her cold body against the trunk then I turned to face Kent.

"So! I hear you're Lex's new man! Am I correct? Well I never expected Lex to pick someone like you!" Kent yelled.

"Stay away from her!" I yelled back. "You can't have her and she wants nothing to do with you!"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down curly! I think you're mistaken. But. Lex is still mine. She's always been." Kent replied.

"Kent go! I don't love you anymore! I've moved on!" Lex yelled over by the tree.

"C'mon Lex! We can work this out! All you have to do is come with me so we can be together forever and no one gets hurt" Kent said.


His eyes narrowed at her.

"So you're saying I can't have you?" He said.

"Of corse I am! I don't want you and I DON'T LOVE YOU!" She yelled.

Kent twirled the knife in his hand then looked directly at me. His eyes boring holes in my mind.

"You know what curly? I think I'll make a deal with you. If I can't have Lex then I think no one should have her at all!" Kent yelled.

Then everything started moving in slow motion. Kent raised the knife and charged at Lex. Her hands flew over eyes. And I did the stupidest thing I could think of. I jumped. I jumped in front of Lex screaming her name. Then everything went back to normal and I was gasping for air. I saved her. Lex didn't get stabbed.

I did.

Kent released his hand and I fell into the snow screaming. I scrambled to a tree and leaned against it screaming. Gasping for air. Trying to breath.

Niall's face appeared in front of mine.

"HARRY! stay with me buddy stay with me!" He was crying and trying to calm me down but I continued to scream. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I could feel the cold air touching my wound. I leaned there against the tree wincing and screaming and crying all at the same time.

Then out of the corner of my eye the most shocking thing happened. Liam out of all people. Sweet Daddy Liam. Tackled Kent to the ground and pinned him. He raised his fist in the air ready to let it collide with Kent's face when Niall stopped him.

"Liam! Don't punch him!"

Liam turned his face to Niall. Tears streaming down his cheeks.


"No! If you do that then you're no better than he ever was. Let him go!" Niall yelled.

Liam looked down at Kent's face crying and about ready to kill him. But he didn't. Instead he leaned down next to Kent's ear and you could barely hear him but he whispered in the most menacing way possible.

"GO! AND NEVER COME BACK!" Then Liam hauled Kent onto his feet and pushed him into the snow.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Liam screamed.

Kent got on his feet and took off out of the woods.

"AND STAY AWAY!" Liam yelled after him.

Liam was then by my side in a matter of seconds.

I wasn't screaming now but I was breathing heavily still trying to keep air in my body.

"Harry! Stay here lad! I'm gonna check the damage ok?"Liam said

Liam peeled away my shirt and looked at my wound. His hand went over his mouth.

"Ok Harry. I need you to stay here ok! Please stay. Oh we need help. WE NEED HELP. WHERE IS LOUIS AND ZAYN WITH THAT HELP!!" Liam screamed. "NIALL GO CHECK ON LEX" Niall scrambled over to Lex.

So I had three faces staring down at me.

All of a sudden Liam's Screaming face was tuned out. I couldn't hear him anymore and his face became blurry. My eye lids began to droop. My breathing began to slow and I was loosing air.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I finally let my last breath of air escape my mouth and I let my heavy eye lids droop shut.

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