Chapter 8: Truth or Dare

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We all sat down in a circle for Truth or Dare. When we were finally situated, I was able to really study Louis's face (mostly because this was the first time he was actually sitting still all night).

Louis had short brown hair which, yes, he had brushed up into a quiff. He had lighter blue eyes than me, but darker blue than Niall. I later found out Louis was 20 years old. I was totally shocked by this because Louis acts like a 12-year-old. Really. He had a slight beard scruff (not as bad as Zayn's, though). He was wearing a white shirt with navy blue stripes, and red pants. He also had white sneakers on, but with no socks at all. When I pointed this out, Liam said Louis never wears socks. Ew! Talk about smelly feet! Louis was the troublemaker out of the five boys and was very, VERY loud. I found this out very soon.

"WAIT! We can't start the game yet!" Louis shouted.

He ran to his dresser containing his clothing and pulled a small grey object out of one of the drawers.

"No game is complete without... Kevin!!" he said.

Kevin was a fake plastic pigeon.

"Please, not Kevin again, Lou!" Niall said with a big sigh.

Louis frowned at him then took his place next to Harry and El again, setting Kevin in his lap.

"Let's play!"

Liam rolled his eyes at Louis and Harry kept right on smiling at him.

The game began.

"Ok, let's start by going around the room. Let's start with...." Harry proposed, looking around the room, deciding who should go first.

"Liam!" he finally chose. "Who do want to ask Truth or Dare to?"

"Niall!" he responded without hesitation.

"Ok, go for it! Ask away. I'm ready!" Niall said.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Ummm... truth!"

Liam thought about what question to ask. He suddenly snapped his fingers and looked directly at Niall.

"What is your secret ambition that no one knows about?"

Niall's face turned red all of the sudden, and he looked at the ground. He mumbled something we couldn't understand.

"What??" Louis yelled, his hand cupped over his ear. His other hand was stroking Kevin's head.

"...I want to... perform and be a singer..." Niall said.

"Why would that embarrass you?" I asked.

"Because! Everyone thinks I'm so quiet, but I don't want to be! Plus, I'm the only Irish kid in the school and everyone picks on me! I wouldn't be caught dead on stage!"

Everyone went silent. Niall went back to staring at the ground.

"Everyone would laugh at me and think my voice is stupid." he said.

We were silent again.

"I think your voice is beautiful. You're really talented," I said with a smile.

Niall looked up at me and smiled. He was so cute with his braces! After that, though, we went back to silliness.

Louis got a dare to rub peanut butter on Liam's face, and he did it! Zayn got one to take off his shirt, but he didn't do it. The backup dare was to mess up your hair as much as possible, which he absolutely hated because he had gotten his hair so perfect in the first place. Harry took a dare to shout, "I'm an idiot!" out into the hallway when someone walked by. It was hilarious. People looked at him like he was insane. I did a truth to tell about my first kiss, which I did, but it was such a short story and really quite pathetic, so I won't go into detail and tell you just yet.

Throughout the game, I found out that all the boys wanted to be singers, but were to afraid to try. It was astonishing.

I got an idea.

It was my turn to ask a truth or dare, so I asked Harry.

"Harry! Truth or dare?"


"Nooo!" Louis whined, "Do a dare!"

He rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. "Fine. Dare!"

I smiled. "Pick four people you want to be involved in this dare."

"Easy. Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn," he replied.

I grinned.

"Stand up, all of you."

They did.

"I dare all of you to sing a song for the four of us girls, since you all like to sing so much," I said with a grin on my face.

The boys all turned pale and frowned.

Dani started laughing and shouting, "Oh my gosh! She tricked you! She tricked all of you!"

"I'm not singing!" The boys all said in near unison.

"You have to. It's a dare!" I said.

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