Chapter 49: Gone

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5 hours later

~Harry's P.O.V~

After about 5 hours the show finally ended. We were announced the group that had received the most votes from people and had gotten a small shiny trophy.


The 5 of us were minding our own business when I looked up from our conversation to see a man with short black hair and sunglasses walking towards us.

"Guys! Look!" I said pointing towards the man.

"Oh. My. Gosh" Zayn said.

Simon Cowel was walking towards us.

"Hello boys! Liam. Niall. Zayn. Louis" Simon said to my open mouthed bandmates shaking their hands.

"Got your letter Harry. You intrigued me. And adding labels to that photo was a smart idea" Simon said shaking my hand.

"Wow it's an honer to have you here Mr. Cowel" Liam said.

"Boys that was an absolutely brilliant performance! That's why I'm here to offer you a deal. I have a record deal that's waiting for someone to sign. I think you boys have something very special and I think you deserve it" Simon said.

"You want to sign us!?" Niall sputtered.

"Yes I honestly think-" he was quickly cut off by Dani, El and Perrie running to us. No Lex.

Dani had tears running down her face.

"Dani what's wrong!!??" Liam exclaimed.

"Is this a bad time? Here's my number call me if you want the deal" Simon said handing me his number and walking away.

I turned my attention back to Liam who was hugging the crying Dani.

"What's wrong?!" Liam repeated whipping the tears from her eyes.

"She-she-she's-g-g-g-gone" Dani sputtered out through sobs.

Liam looked up at El and Perrie who had begun to cry also.

"Wait! Who's gone?!" Louis said.

"Oh Lou!" El said throwing herself into his arms.

"Who's gone?!" Louis repeated.

"L-L-Lex" Dani said sobbing into Liam's shoulder.

Everyone turned to me. My heart had stopped. All the warmth from my body disappeared. I was cold now.

"Lex. Gone?" I whispered.

"How!?" Niall said.

"We don't know but after you guys performed she got up and went to the bathroom. After 3 hours she didn't come back. And we got worried. so we went to the bathroom to look for her and. All we found was her purse on the floor and-"Perrie took a shaky breath "and a few drops of blood" Perrie finished handing me Lex's purse and throwing herself into Zayn.

All the blood drained from my face. Lex. Was. Gone.

"We've Got to find her!" Niall yelled.

"Where!?" Zayn said. "She could be anywhere! And you don't even know what happened to her!"

"Probably kidnapped" Liam said still holding Dani's shaking body.

"Her Ex boyfriend." I whispered.

"What?" Louis asked coming up to me.

I turned to face him.

"Every time she talked about her Ex Boyfriend she would almost cry. I have a suspicion they didn't have a very good time together. I think he might've hurt her." I said.

"You don't know that! They just could've had a painful breakup!" Zayn said. "And you don't know if he hurt her"

"But I do! Something deep down inside of me just knows it was him! And I do know he hurt her! On our date I saw this scar on her leg! A big ugly scar."

Everyone went silent.

"Ok! So what if it is! This dude. We don't even know his name! Or what he looks like or where he would take her" Zayn said.

"Kent. Blonde hair, Scary brown eyes and two scars. One going up his cheek bone and one going across his right eyebrow." I said.

"How do you know that?" Liam asked.

"She's told me things about him and on our field trip she was deleting pictures on her phone of him."

"Wait! That description fits the guy that was in the front row!" Niall yelled.

I froze and slowly turned to him.

"What!?" I said.

"That description. It fits the guy who was in the front row!" Niall repeated.

"HE'S HERE! Oh my gosh!" Louis yelled.


"Where do we look!!??" Zayn said. "London's huge!"

"I think I have an idea. Lex told me her and Kent would run off into the woods behind his house and hide. I have a suspicion that he probably took her to the woods behind the school. For some reason Bad guys return to places that are familiar" I said.

"Ok well let's get down to the woods!" Niall said.

We all grabbed our coats and gloves and made our way to the front hall. We were all most out the door when Dani spoke up.

"Liam! Wait!"

Liam turned to face her tear stained face.

"Promise me you'll come back ok. Please! This guy sounds dangerous. Just come back to me." Dani said.

Liam moved a piece of her hair behind her ear and smiled.

"I'll always come back for you" he said.

After that the boys kissed their girlfriends goodbye then the five of us went out the front doors and around the side of the school.

"Man it's cold out here!" Zayn said.

"Tell me about!" Louis agreed.

The woods looked dark and gloomy when we got there. The wind howled in the trees and sent shivers down our spines.

"Look! Foot prints!" Niall exclaimed pointing at the ground.

Liam bent down and examined the tracks in the snow.

"There are two sets here. One set of tracks looks like the person was walking but this set here looks like the other person was being dragged" Liam said. "I think they went in here. Louis! Go get the police and get help. I have a feeling we'll need it. Zayn you go with him" Liam added.

Louis and Zayn took off towards the parking lot and Me, Liam, and Niall were left.

We glanced at each other with worried looks.

"Well. Shall we?" I said.

We all nodded and descended into the dark woods with no knowing of what we were about to face.

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