Chapter 19: Perfect Day

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~Harry's P.O.V~

We Were all so caught up in our discussion about our family's and my Mum Anne and My sister Gemma and stuff I didn't even realize Lex over at the counter. I watched her for a while just staring at her hands. Then I saw a tear run down her cheek then another then another! I walked over to her and set my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me with her ocean blue eyes. A slight smile crept onto her face then she hugged me. I didn't care I held her in a hug for a while. The boys didn't even notice they were all to caught up in their conversation. I pulled her away from me and took her hand. I put my finger over my lips indicating to be quiet and I grabbed my coat and scarf and I slipped on my shoes and We both quietly left the room unnoticed. I walked Lex down to her dorm without saying a word. She went inside and 5 mins later came out wearing her high tops her coat, scarf and jeans then I led her down a hall and up 2 flights of stairs then we came to a door marked roof.

"What are we doing!?" She finally said.

"I'm taking you somewhere special!" I answered taking her hand again and leading her up the stairs. At the top of the stairs We came to a door. I slowly turned the knob.

"Close your eyes!" I said

She did.

I opened the door and led her outside. We were now on the roof. I led her over to a little seating area and a balcony. I led her over to the balcony that overlooked a beautiful glittering forest of white. The tree branches were frosted in white frost and shimmered in the sunlight. Birds chirped and flew through the air and squirrels scurried up trees and jumping into holes. A rabbit hopped across the snow and disappeared into a hole by a tree trunk leaving a path of dainty foot prints where he had been. I stared out at what was the back of our school. The lovely wooded area with the animals running free. The sun glinted over the tops of the trees. It was still coming up.

"Ok" i said. "Open your eyes"

Her eyes fluttered open and she gasped. A huge smile spread over her face.

"Oh. It's''s beautiful!" She exclaimed. "What is all this!"

"The school use to use this roof top Terrace all the time but do to safety issues they had to close it"

"Safety issues?" She questioned eyeing me.

"Oh some kid was acting like an idiot a few years back and fell over the railing here and broke his wrist"

"Ouch!" She said making a face.

Then her face softened.

"Well this view is absolutely gorges!"

"I thought you would like it!" I said grinning.

We stood there side by side together just staring out into the horizon watching the woods below. I finally asked Lex what i was meaning to ask her.

"Hey why were you crying!?" I said turning her head so she was looking me in the eyes.

"Oh that. Well it's just you guys were talking about your families and all and.." Her voice cracked. "I just was thinking about how I don't have anyone to visit this christmas. My mum and dad aren't gonna be in the country.." She said another tear rolling down her cheek.

I stared at the ground for a while then said.

"You could come home with me if you want"

"Really!? You would do that!?" She said staring at me wide eyed.

"Yay I mean I couldn't leave you here all alone!"

"Oh my gosh Harry! Yes! Yes! I will come home with you!" We both gave each other big hugs then we talked some more just laughing and having fun. I can't remember the last time I was this happy when I was with someone that wasn't Louis or my family.

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