Chapter 5- First Mission

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(I can see I've made a mistake. They didn't know about the chain user until Uvo died. However, please ignore this mistake cuz I'm too lazy to fix it ;-; also you have no idea how many times I've nearly called nen a quirk XP. Also, f/g stands for 'favorite gem', like on a necklace, such as diamond, emerald, topaz, etc.)

After they made it back to the base, Chrollo called them together. 'Geez, can't I rest first?' At least she got to 'shower' with her nen. Everyone was there. Uvogin and Shalnark had taken a particular liking to her, inviting her to sit next to them as if she was a fellow member. Y/n accepted it with a smile.

"Man, I'm surprised you're still in one piece," Uvogin retorted. "Feitan's 'training' must've been hellish."

"I'm surprised she still alive, actually," Hisoka butted in.

"Fuck off, disgusting clown!"

"Aw, now that's just rude, Y/n~✰"


"I know a little secret about you~"


He clenched his jaw, as if in frustration, as Uvogin roared with laughter, Shalnark giggling quietly.

"What if I told everyone-"

"Welcome, friends," Chrollo interrupted. 

Both Uvogin and Shalnark were trying to hold in their laughs as Hisoka straight up just left. Uvogin wrapped an arm around Y/n's shoulder and whispered,

"I knew we were gonna be good friends. How 'bout I treat ya to a drink later?"

"I'd love that."

(Reminder that Y/n is of legal drinking age)

They quieted down as Chrollo continued talking in his calm, yet commanding voice.

"I called you all here with an important mission: We are raiding the underground auction."

Y/n had heard of it a few months ago. Yorknew has a huge auction every year. Trillions of jenny are exchanged almost every day. On the flip side, the underground auction sells off illegal objects, such as human body parts and stolen jewels.

'I wonder what we're stealing, she found herself wondering. Danchou likes books...maybe there's some one-of-a-kind book made of human skin or something.' The thought disgusted her immediately.

"What are we taking?" Nobunaga asked out loud, echoing her thoughts.

A malicious grin spread across the boss's face. An uneasy feeling made its way into Y/n's chest. She nearly forgot that they are powerful thieves and murderers. 


Everyone murmured in excitement while Y/n was more nervous and hesitant. Uvogin noticed this and turned to her with an almost innocent smile.

"What's wrong, Y/n? You're not scared, are you?" He taunted.

"Of course not! It's just...I know I'm not a real member but this is my first mission...I don't wanna mess it up."

Uvogin laughed and ruffled her hair. He gave her a comforting look and looked up at the crumbling ceiling, where the moon shone through.

"You'll be okay. Feitan'll make sure you don't fuck up." He paused for a moment. "I remember my first official mission. It was simple: kill all the mafia members in the building. There were only a few thousand."

A nervous sweatdrop appeared on her forehead. 'How is that simple? I wouldn't be able to pull that off...'

"I completed it, of course. I remember being excited but a little anxious, too."

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