Chapter 11- Forgotten

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(A/N: I totally forgot to edit this chapter before I posted it and there may be a few parts that I left alone. Should I write a lemon scene soon?)

It wasn't often that Y/n got to see Feitan's full face since he usually had the bandana over it. He looked oddly...normal, standing there in a Yukata, black kitsune mask in hand.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked with a tilt of her head.

"I like the food," he shrugged. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah-" she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "-I literally just stumbled into it."

Feitan snorted, believing this all too much. It sounded just like her. That was the way she got herself into this whole mess, to begin with. She wandered into a spider's nest on accident and was tangled in its web.

"You look really cute," she suddenly blurted.

'Shit! Did I say that out loud?!'

That was the first time she had ever seen him blush. He made a 'tch' sound and looked away, mumbling under his breath. Y/n didn't hear it over all the commotion around her.

"Well, since we're both here, we might as well stick together. Knowing you, you'll find a way to burn the whole damn town down," he added with a suggestive glance.



They were scheduled to assassinate a whole, small village. The only problem is that all of them were nen users. And capable ones, at that. By 'they', dumbass author-chan means Y/n. Of course, Feitan had to drag himself along because that's what happens in xreaders. 

"I have a solution to our problem," Y/n spoke up.

"Oh, thank god."

"It involves fire."

"Absolutely not."

~Timeskip brought to you by Hisoka's ankles~

"I said small fire! This is not small!"

Y/n cackled and danced on their graves as their village burned to the depths of hell. Feitan told her to build a small fire for warmth. Well, they were certainly warm now.


"Plus, I managed to kill them all by myself."

"How did you even manage to survive the Zoldyck?"

"Dumb luck?"

He stuck his tongue out at her playfully. Y/n had never seen this side of him before...something glittered in his eyes that she couldn't quite place. She poked his cheek, which was squishy. 

"Stop that."

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a nearby booth. It was one of those games where if you caught a goldfish you'd get a plushie. Without a word, he grabbed a net and stared at the bowl. Y/n expected him to strike out like a cat, but he was surprisingly gentle as he scooped up the bright orange one that shimmered with the color of fresh tangerine. The booth keeper smiled and let Feitan pick out a plushie.

Y/n noticed him glance at her as he picked out a cute black-and-white cat. Without warning, he shoved it into her hands and looked away with a light blush. This made her giggle quietly. They made their way from attraction to attraction, playing games and sampling sweets. The music seemed to reverberate through her body, flowing and intertwining with her mixed emotions she couldn't even begin to place.

Y/n watched his face the whole time. He showed a lot more emotion than usual, even cracking a few angelic smiles every now and again. A warm, fluttery feeling bubbled up in her chest as he laughed, dragging her to a new booth with an almost innocent look. It was as if the world and everything they went through were suddenly forgotten in this festival of lights...

"I remember-" Feitan sat at the edge of a fountain where it was quieter and there were fewer people. "There used to be this story the elders would tell in Meteor city."

Y/n sat next to him, tilting her head in interest. He rarely opened up about his past.

"There was a goddess who was in love with a yokai. Their love was forbidden, but they always met up in a field of sunflowers."

He plucked a wild daisy and began to pluck the petals off. Small white shapes fluttered down like flurries of snow.

"The yokai was brutal; He killed without mercy. However, the goddess didn't care. She loved him the way he was."

The stem fell to the ground in the scattered pile of petals. Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder, suddenly feeling sleepy after all of her jumbled emotions and the ordered chaos of the festival.

"He loved her, too. But, one day, the goddess' brother found out about their affair and locked the beautiful goddess away for the rest of eternity. The yokai still wanders the earth searching for his one true love."

She watched the lights dance in his eyes as he gazed at her through half-lidded eyes. They were full of sadness that reached further than the deepest pits of hell, burning into the souls of those unfortunate enough to gaze into its depths. But the same sadness was in her own eyes, allowing her to drown in their cool grey embrace.

"Y'know, Uvo once told me that sometimes the heart sees what's invisible to the eyes. My heart tells me that it sees kindness and long-lost feelings of love. I think...I think that your life has been so hard you forgot what it feels like to love and to be loved. But, what you don't realize is that you have people who care about you...Your sweet mother Chrollo and your weird 11 brothers and sisters...they love you, Feitan. I...I think..."

Y/n stopped, realizing what she was about to say. 'What? 'I love you'. Is that what you were going to say? Do you even know what that means? You're telling him all this stuff but do you really know what you're talking about? As if he'd ever love you...'

"Shut up."


Y/n was stunned by his words. They weren't harsh or cold like they usually were, but softer and filled with emotion. 'What's gotten into him? I know we're all shook over Uvo's death but...'

"I know what you're thinking. 'I'm not good enough. I don't know what love even means,' right?"

He shifted so they faced each other and reached his hand up to her face. Out of reflex, she flinched away from his touch. Feitan scowled and placed his hand on the side of Y/n's face gently, stroking it with the utmost care, as if it were fine porcelain that would break under the slightest of pressure.

"Well, you're wrong, Y/n. You've shown me things that I never thought existed. You made me feel things I never thought I was capable of feeling. You wandered into my life and burned everything I thought I knew to the ground like that village."

He smirked as she pouted.

"I don't know what I feel about you, but I do know that I want to do this."

Fireworks exploded in the sky, showering the dark expanse of the night with colors and sparks. Lanterns floated everywhere. But Y/n didn't notice anything but the feeling of his lips connected with hers, pulling her into a sweet, gentle kiss. She found herself kissing back, melting into his touch and savoring every sensation of the moment that ended way too quick.

 She found herself kissing back, melting into his touch and savoring every sensation of the moment that ended way too quick

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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