Chapter 10- Despair

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"I didn't do it."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"Because whoever did was a freaking genius!"

Feitan glared at the two who were practically rolling on the floor laughing. Uvogin and Y/n were told to go check out the huge shopping building in Yorknew city that was supposedly the largest in the world. The layout was practically a maze, so there were arrows that pointed to the way out. As long as you followed the arrows, you'd be fine. Well, as it happens, those arrows were taken and 'misplaced'. It became an unending labyrinth with no exit. The entire store was in panic and disarray. 

"You two..."

Y/n looked up at Feitan with tears of laughter glimmering in the corners of her eyes.

"But...wait, it gets better! The arrows are controlled by nen so they never face the same way!"

This made the two laugh even more. The shorter male stared at them with distaste. The police were already showing up to help the people inside. There were screams and crying coming from the building. Uvogin took a deep breath, pushing down the laughter bubbling from his chest.

"I wanna meet the fucker who did this."


" can't be true..."

It's been two days since Uvogin left. Chrollo pronounced him as dead.

"There's no way..."

Both Y/n and Nobunaga were in shock, refusing to believe that their friend could have been killed. The atmosphere in the building was heavy and dark, filled with grief, rage, and memories of their fallen comrade. Y/n seemed to be the most affected. She thought he was unbeatable. There was no way he could have been taken out.

"You're wrong," she stated firmly.

"Y/n, Danchou knows what he's talking about. Uvo's dead-"


Machi recoiled as Y/n snapped at her. Sorrow shimmered in her eyes. She spoke more softly,

"I know, all right? I just...he promised. He promised he'd be back. I should've known that I never should have gotten so close to any of you...I shouldn't have trusted any of you...I thought I'd learned my lesson long's not that. It's because of that damn chain user! I'm going to kill him! I swear, if it's the last thing I'll do, I'm gonna-"

A strong aura filled the room, bloodlust oozing from the girl in the middle. Several of them flinched, surprised by her sudden outburst. Feitan lunged at her faster than a snake striking. He grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back, throwing her to the ground.

"Calm down."

Y/n seethed in rage, struggling to get free from the male above her.

"Let me go, Feitan! He was your friend, too, right?! You've known him longer than me. So why the hell aren't you mad?!"

"Whoever said I wasn't," he replied evenly.

Y/n froze. Tears brimmed in her eyes, but she shook them away. She refused to cry.

"I'm mature enough to not go off on everyone."

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