Chapter 4- Master

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~🗡🗡🗡~ One week later ~🗡🗡🗡~

"Harder! Faster!"

"I'm trying!"

"You're not trying enough."

Feitan sighed in annoyance as he sheathed his sword. Y/n was panting heavily. Ever since Chrollo put her under his care, he insisted on training her since he 'didn't want a weak little kitten fighting beside him.'

"You're pathetic. How did you even manage to fight the Zoldyck?"

Y/n glared at him as he stared down at her in displeasure. Without another word, he turned and began walking away. The area around their sparring grounds was completely demolished. The trees were flattened and the ground was torn to shreds, some burnt patches still smoking from Feitan's nen.

"Hm, I don't know. Why don't you go ask him yourself, Fei?"

She used the nickname some of the other spiders used. He didn't even bother to look back at her. Y/n followed behind him as he led them further into the forest. Once they got far enough away from the devastated clearing, the birds started to chirp, and the shuffling of small animals in the bushes continued once more. It would've been peaceful if it weren't for the thief that walked in front of her. He didn't even need to say anything; His presence itself made her feel on edge. Most of the Troupe members didn't have the mysterious, offputting aura that he did. They didn't constantly try to kill her either.

Y/n rubbed her shoulder, which had finally stopped bleeding. The deeper wounds were patched up with ice she created with her nen. Not only had he been training her senses, but also her physical strength, nen, and pain resistance. She already had quite a high pain tolerance since her mother often tortured her for fun. 'Ah, yes. Family bonding time', she thought sarcastically.

Y/n had only known him for about ten days, but she already knew not to ask him where they were going because he would never give her an answer. Instead, she concentrated on her surroundings, memorizing every detail in case he made her find her way back alone. Not that it mattered. She used to run away into the forest near Purgatory city all the time. 

"What's it like having a family?" He suddenly spoke up.

"Family? Well...mine wasn't great, so I can't really say. They died a while ago, though," she added.

He gave her a stoic glance and didn't pry any further. They continued walking for several hours. At one point, a huge brown wolf started following them. It left once they passed a small river, which was probably the border to its territory. Once they made it to the foot of a mountain, he stopped and sat on the ground, leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. Y/n decided to do the same. She noticed how he gave her a quick glance as she sat next to him.

Seconds passed, then minutes. It seemed like almost an hour later that he asked her softly,

"How did they die?"

She guessed that he was talking about her family. She lived with her mother, father, and older brother. Her mother was extremely abusive. She often times would tie her up in a dark room and leave her there for days, occasionally coming in to torture her in any way she felt like. Her older brother, Ryoichi, left once he turned 16. She never heard from him again. Her father was always working. He knew what his wife was doing to their child, but he didn't care. 

"I killed them," she admitted in a near whisper.

"Why?" He inquired.  

"It doesn't matter. They're dead now, and that's all you need to know."

He narrowed his eyes and grabbed her by the throat.

"You're mine. You will answer me when I ask you a question, girl."

She glared at him in defiance and smacked his hand away.

"I do not belong to you, or anyone else. I didn't ask for this. Any of it. I just wanted to live my damn life but you and your asshole of a leader decided to make it a living hell."

Without warning, he lunged at her and pinned her down. He had an angry expression and held her wrists so tightly, she expected to hear a snap at any moment. When she tried to struggle, his grip tightened, making her flinch and stay still.

"Do not talk about Danchou like that. You had this coming from the moment you walked through that door, accident or not. You will obey me. I could snap you like a twig, but for some reason, Danchou wants you alive. So I have no choice. But I'll be damned if I let you talk to me like that. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," Y/n hissed in pain and anger. 

It was at that moment she realized the position they were in and how close their faces were. A blush spread across her cheeks. He looked in slight confusion for a moment, then seemed to realize it himself. He let her go and moved away in one swift movement. Y/n let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"We will rest now."

She gave no response, simply closing her eyes and drifting into a deep, dreamless slumber.


The next morning, they ascended the mountain. It was about 6,096 meters high (20,000 ft.) above their heads, littered with trees, snow, and rocky cliffs. Feitan began climbing without hesitation. He lept from boulder to boulder, not faltering once. Y/n followed him close, step by step. In some places, the rocks narrowed into thin ledges. One wrong step and you'll plummet to your death. Once, Y/n was so concentrated on putting one foot carefully in front of the other, that she didn't notice. Feitan stop. She crashed into him, making him lose his footing on the loose stones. With lightning reflexes, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him back up. Once they got to a safer place, he kicked the back of her legs, making her fall to her knees.

"Watch it," he hissed.

Eventually, they left the rock behind and entered a forested area. It was warm and quiet, besides the soft murmuring of the rivulets that branched off the main source. They kept walking, even through the night until Y/n started to have trouble breathing. The air was thin, oxygen sparse. The dampness of the cloud-covered mountain weighed her down and made her feel like she was swimming in a dark swamp of mud. A thick fog hung over everything. She could barely see her own hands in front of her.

Feitan concealed his presence, which made it all the more difficult to follow him. She wasn't allowed to use her nen, only her senses, to follow him. Y/n had to admit, it was hard. Especially since she didn't get to rest in fear of losing him. From time to time, she'd stop to drink a little water from the crystal-clear springs or eat a little fruit from the trees. 

At last, she emerged from the fog and found herself on the summit. There sat Feitan with an almost proud glimmer in his eyes. Y/n sat down beside him and they stared out over the land quietly. As she grew weary, her head drooped, finding itself resting on the ruthless thief's lap. 

Little did she know, Feitan was smiling softly at her sleeping face.

Little did she know, Feitan was smiling softly at her sleeping face

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Akaku akaku akaku moesakaru. Akashi kesshite kesshite sorasanu you ni.

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