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Sakusa was smiling at his phone, class was ending when Teruhashi approached him

"Hey Kiyoomi" she greeted, Sakusa glared at him and rolled his eyes

"Please call me Sakusa we're not close nor we have something special." He said, Teruhashi just chuckled and sat next to him

"We should hang out sometime, I sometimes wanna see you spike a volleyball but I would've fallen inlove with you instantly if you played basketball." She said Sakusa ignored her and kept staring on his phone

"Who are you talking to?" She asked, their was a tone of irritation in her voice, Sakusa ignored him again

Teruhashi quickly snatched his phone and Sakusa widened his eyes

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Sakusa yelled, almost everyone heard him

Teruhashi just smiled like a kid and checked what's on his phone

"Awe,you have  don't be shy towards me" she said and placed his phone on his desk, sakusa was boiling

Sakusa stood up and everyone was staring at them, sakusa snatched his phone and grabbed his bag and quickly slapped Teruhashi

"You should know fucking privacy you dip shit, no wonder you're still single." He said and quickly leaving the room leaving Teruhashi stunned, everyone was whispering while looking at the door and Teruhashi

Sakusa went to the gym and sat on the floor, he was trying to calm himself down after the scene, good thing Atsumu wasn't there or else he would've been throwing hands

Sakusa quickly opened his phone and saw Teruhashi's cellphone number saved, Sakusa quickly deleted it and went to talk to Atsumu


Call Accepted

"Hey Omi-kun, why did you call me?"

I just called you so I could cool down, something happend today that drove me crazy.

"Woah.. what happend?"

First things first, a girl acted like we had something special or we were both close, then quickly snatched my phone and saved her number.

Of course I was mad and slapped her and left the room, she was a sneaky bastard.

"Woah.. that's shitty, didn't she know what the hell privacy is?"

She's from the states, and acting like in America, kids like her normalize snatching phones from other people to save their on number in it, that's a shitty move.

"Pfffft, I mean I would understand the first time thing because in America people often call them in their first names."

She should know what the hell rules are before coming to a country, does she know everything is different compared to America?

I bet not.

"If I was with you, I would've threw my hands on her"

"Acting like y'all close, you're mine."

Oh stop that! It's cringe.

"Sorry, Kuroo suggested that i should say it."

If Kuroo suggested that you should jump on a bridge, would you do it?

"Depends on my feelings"

Well I gotta go now, bye I love you.

"Awe, I love you to Omi-Omi!"

Call Ended

Sakusa smiled and sighed, and stood up

It was time for Volleyball practice and Kimori was already in the gym

Then he approached him, "Hey dude, I heard about what happend, why would you do that??"

"She didn't know what privacy is, and snatched my phone and had the audacity to save her number in it." He said, removing his shirt ready to wear his practice uniform

Kimori just looked at him and nodded

A/N: boring snd and short, and quiet rushed

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A/N: boring snd and short, and quiet rushed. I'm really not in the mood rn so I'm sorry.

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