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Atsumu was sitting with Jihye inside the café, Jihye was teaching things that Atsumu didn't understand in his studies

Which Jihye kindly accepted and teached him properly, Atsumu was currently wearing the scarf Sakusa gave him

Atsumu wasn't really listening but he could understand what he was saying, all he was thinking was Sakusa's beautiful face and the smile he gave last night

"Atsumu? Are you listening?" Jihye asked, Atsumu got back in reality and nodded and Jihye just raised an eyebrow and continued lecturing for his upcoming exam


Sakusa was currently in the gym, reading a book by himself. There was no one in there because most of his teammates were going their own thing

Which is studying for the exam

Sakusa was nervous since Atsumu met the Jihye guy, Sakusa thought that Jihye was a perverted pedophile who liked someone younger than him, it was a rumor but sakusa knew he was a dangerous guy

He sighed and got in his phone, and checked social media and got to the school's site and see the problems and reports occured

Choi Jihye - Was reported for pedophilia and attempted rape at a 1st year, that was transferred to another school, after.

Choi Jihye - Was reported for smoking in a prohibited area, broke rule #65

(#65 - No smoking around the school area.)

Choi Jihye - Was reported for molesting a 2nd year, which is now transferred to another school.

Choi Jihye - Was reported, after forcing a middle schooler to show her explicit pictures, and threatens to kill her family.

Choi Jihye - Was reported for Public Nudity, he was jerking off at the back of the school where many students were hanging out.

__________ - _____________________

Sakusa was extremely disgusted because of the reports that the guy did, he was indeed a dangerous guy

'how is he not kicked out yet?'

Sakusa sighed and decided to call Atsumu


The number you dialed is currently unavailable.

Sakusa was confused, was his phone off? Sakusa sighed and face palmed

Suddenly someone tapped his shoulders, he turned around and saw Komori with a worried face

"Did something happen Kiyoomi?" He asked, Sakusa shook his head and continued glueing his eyes on his screen

Komori sat beside him and ate a bagel, and looked at his screen

"Why are you checking Inarazaki's site?" He asked and took a bite of his food, sakusa didn't answer and continue to research things about Choi Jihye

He say many complaints from students in the school, most of them are girls and some of them are boys

Report made in July 12, 2020

I am extremely disgusted by that guy. He touched my thigh and when I looked at him, he acts like nothing is happening!! And when I remove his hands, he just continues to touch my thighs.

And sometimes, i feel like it's almost gonna touch my private!

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Report made in August 23, 2020

I didn't know he was into guys, he sexually harrased me, and when I try to move he threatens me that he had a knife! Sometimes he touch my privates, which I'm extremely disgusted

Please do something about this Inarazaki High, or I will not hesitate to sue the school for not doing anything and file a report about him for sexually assaulting and harrasing me, and threatening me several times!

Liked by 234 students.
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Sakusa sighed and just decided to leave a message, and hope for him to see and reply

He was worried since he was gonna study with him, he didn't want him to be one of the victims

And feel guilty and dirty about it, he just wanted him to be safe and sound


After your studying session with Jihye, make sure to meet me at the park.

A/N: It's here!, It's starting to get spicy and I'm planning on ending the story soon, probably not since I have a lot in my mind so hope it works out!

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A/N: It's here!, It's starting to get spicy and I'm planning on ending the story soon, probably not since I have a lot in my mind so hope it works out!

A/N: It's here!, It's starting to get spicy and I'm planning on ending the story soon, probably not since I have a lot in my mind so hope it works out!

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