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Atsumu sat on the bench, it was lunch time and just got his coffee from the vending machine and a sandwich Sakusa gave before going to school

When he was finishing his drink, Jihye sat next to him with red puffy eyes and wearing a red scarf

Atsumu noticed and raised his eyebrows "Where did you get that scarf?"

Atsumu noticed his puffy eyes, Jihye responded "My grandma just died earlier this morning and gave me this, before she said goodbye."

Atsumu changed his expression, he felt bad for him that his grandma passed away

"I'm sorry for you loss Jihye-Senpai, she's in a better place." He said, and patted his back

Jihye cried silently while drinking the coffee he bought aswell, it only kept him up the whole night

"She raised me half of my life, and I wished she was there for my birthday next week." He said, and sniffled and wiped his nose

Atsumu kept patting his back, trying to calm him down but Jihye only cried harder because it felt like how his grandma tries to calm him down

The bell rang, and Jihye said it was okay for Atsumu to go first, and he'll go to his classroom after Atsumu nodded and got inside his classroom while Jihye was there, feeling down while looking at the ground with puffy red eyes and nose

Atsumu didn't listen to his lecture and kept thinking about Jihye, he was worried because he looked so down and dead

It was truly a devastating news for his family and friends who cared for his grandma, Atsumu wouldn't imagine his grandma dying

Even if his grandparents are in another country, at the side of the world


Atsumu was ready to go home, packing his books and pens when the door opened. It was Jihye sitting on a random seat

"Senpai? You should go home, it's good for you to rest." Atsumu suggested, Jihye shook his head and laid in on the table

Atsumu sighed and sat back at his seat and got his phone, when Jihye spoke

"What would you feel, if someone you love doesn't love you back, or someone you love dies?." Jihye asked, Atsumu looked at him

"I don't know.. I guess I would feel sad and betrayed if my crush didn't like me, I actually had a crush before and I thought he gave me hints that he liked me, but it was all a joke." Atsumu said and plugged one of his earphones

"Of course I felt betrayed and sad, and left." He said. Jihye nodded and looked at him

"But.. if someone i love dies, I wouldn't care. Because they don't show me how they love me, like my parents. But if my brother or boyfriend dies, might aswell be next." Atsumu said, putting on his bag and looking back at his senior

Jihye just nodded and faced the other side of the room, while Atsumu stood up and got to the door

"I'll go now, I'll see you tomorrow Senpai, take care. Condolences." He said and closed the door

Jihye just smiled lightly and closed his eyes, "Thank you, Miya."

A/N: woah, the unexpected

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A/N: woah, the unexpected. A chapter only about two characters because I had no idea what I would write

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