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The girl looked at both of the boys, and was gonna explode

"Sorry about her Atsumu, it's the best if we both leave her alone." Sakusa said, caressing and ruffling Atsumu's hair

Atsumu smiled and both walked in a corner "So, they invited you? I thought you hated socializing?"

"My mom forced me since I don't have enough friends" Sakusa said

Atsumu was confused "I thought you lived alone? Shouldn't you decide your own decisions?"

Sakusa looked at him and took a sip of the juice "I promised my mom I'll ask permission to her before going somewhere, even if we live far away from each other."

Atsumu made a 'o' shape of his mouth and took a sip aswell, Atsumu's parents didn't really care about him

Since they said Osamu was better, that's when Atsumu didn't care anymore and made his own decisions

Atsumu grabbed Sakusa's arms for warmth and comfort, it was pretty cold inside the room since the door was half open for the people who was invited

They both held hands and watched the others talk and get drunk by drinking too much juice

Suddenly, a senior approached them. It was the senior who invited Atsumu for the party

"Hey! I just wanted to give you this, since their is a lot of juice and I think we seniors can't finish it all.." he said and led him a cup with orange juice

Atsumu smiled "Thank you senior!" And took a sip of it

"Uh, you can call me Jihye! I'm from Korea, it's nice to meet you!" He said and both shook hands

"Nice to meet you too Jihye-Senpai!" Atsumu said, Jihye could feel something scary staring at him, and turned and see Sakusa staring at him dead in the eyes

Jihye awkwardly smiled and walked away, leaving Atsumu confused

"You really should stay away from him." Sakusa said, Atsumu turned his head to him "Why?"

"I heard rumors about him in your school, people said he was a freak and a Pedophile targeting 1st years, 2nd years and kids from middle school." Sakusa said and took a sip, and place the drink on the table

"Oh stop that nonsense! It's just a rumor, which means there's a possibility it's not true." Atsumu said and finished his cup

Sakusa just sighed and suddenly, a warm and loving song played which made everyone slow dance with someone they love

"I didn't know we were supposed to bring dates.." Atsumu whispered, Sakusa just shrugged and held Atsumu's waist

"Then, we'll do what they'll do, so we don't feel left out." He whispered to his ear, Sakusa's hot breath hitting it which made Atsumu red

Atsumu just nodded and held his broad shoulders using both of his hands and resting his head against his chest

And closed his eyes and smiled, both could feel the loving and warm atmosphere around the room and everyone dancing aswell

Well some weren't dancing, either they don't feel like it or they don't have someone to dance with

Sakusa eyes was open and saw Teruhashi glaring at them, Sakusa just rolled his eyes and rested his head on Atsumu's shoulders

Closing his eyes aswell, then the feels were ruined when someone split them apart and screamed

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Everyone was shocked and saw a blonde girl infront of Atsumu and Sakusa, both were on the ground

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