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Then, before Jihye approached the bell rang

Atsumu smiled and tried to open the door but Jihye immediately grabbed his wrist, Atsumu turned around and saw Jihye looking down the floor

"Can I touch you chest?" He asked, Atsumu was shocked and terrified
"Please.. only for me!" He said and kneeled down

Atsumu then ran away and was infront of the door, when Jihye grabbed his foot and dragged him

Jihye covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming, Jihye then smirk

But he was nervous aswell, he didn't want anyone to hear the Atsumu Miya, screaming for help

The library would've a lot of people by now, but Jihye was lucky because no one was there but them

Jihye then heard a click and turned around, there was standing

Sakusa, Bokuto, Ushijima and the others.

Jihye widened his eyes and let go of Atsumu, Jihye then looked at Atsumu and Atsumu smirked

"How could you be so blind, you couldn't tell the difference between me and Atsumu." He said, Jihye was confused

When he looked at the door, He then saw The Real Atsumu smiling and walked infront of him, slapping him

Turns out, the Atsumu Jihye was hanging out with was Osamu. Who was disguised since both twins felt suspicious about the senior

"You better get the fuck out of this school, because of you. I had to wear a shitty wig!, I look hideous!" Osamu said, going to the group who had their phones out

Smiling and laughing at Jihye, Jihye felt betrayed and humiliated and opened the door and ran away

Osamu then sighed, and looked at Atsumu and Sakusa hugging each other

Osamu then removed his wig and ruffled his hair, "Sorry about the trouble guys, but it's a big help now that my twin is safe."

Ushijima then got out of the room, and so did Bokuto ready to report the incident and the things the senior did to students

And others tagged along with them, leaving Sakusa and Atsumu with Osamu

Osamu then smiled and called Suna, then left the room

Sakusa and Atsumu was still hugging, Atsumu was smelling Sakusa shirt

The smell of Caramel and Chocolate that made him cherish him more and hug him tighter


It's been 3 weeks since the incident, Jihye was arrested and kicked out of the school for Sexual Battery and Rape, the others who left the school because of Jihye came back

Since they felt safer now that Jihye was gone, Students then confessed that most of them felt suspicios about the senior, the way he talks looks and speaks was suspicious for them

Jihye didn't go to Jail, because he was Mental and delusional and see things he shouldn't see

Atsumu then felt dumb, because Jihye's grandma died years ago and not weeks ago, he just had to use it as a reason

Atsumu didn't know, his life would turn into a rollercoaster after meeting Sakusa

But he was happy he met Sakusa, and happy that his friends were still there even after being so dumb and meeting someone who was cold

Atsumu felt grateful about his life, Atsumu and Osamu parted their ways and lived with Suna and Sakusa because of the parents equality between them

Atsumu felt free, and felt safer in Sakusa's arms. And lived in a house he would call a real home.

A/N: One more chapter, then it's done! Yeah, it's probably the most longest story I made and I felt more pressure when I was writing each chapters, but it's here!

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A/N: One more chapter, then it's done! Yeah, it's probably the most longest story I made and I felt more pressure when I was writing each chapters, but it's here!

That's for reading, and have a nice day!/night!

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