Kageyama Birthday Special

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Reminder: This is not a extended part of the story, this is what KageHina would mostly do if it was Kageyama's birthday.

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Twitter Gays

Kageyama's birthday is coming up, what should I do?

Do something sweet and memorable

Do something explicit and seductive, he'll enjoy it

Just greet the god damn guy.

Don't listen to them, just give him something he really wanted that he couldn't get

Oh, one time he showed me a clothing he wanted me to see in I found that cute

Show me the pic



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Omg Hinata wear that, you'll look hella cute in it!

Wtf no! That's too explicit and too expensive

Oh, I actually saved my money for it and bought it yesterday, so I guess I have no choice but to wear it!

Jesus Christ, y'all are so fucking thirsty

Stfu and eat your boyfriend's onigiri

His onigiri's are the best


December 22nd, Kageyama's birthday

Hinata planned to wear the suit his boyfriend wanted him to see in he was hesitating at first but it only makes him happy then he'll do it

The doorbell rang and Hinata ran to the front door and opened it paying the guy and closing the door

Kageyama was currently in practice, he was gonna come back later and Hinata was planning on suprising him while wearing it


Is someone coming with you?

Nope, just me and you because I wanna spend time with you because we've never done that lately

Awe that's so sweet! Alright, I've got a suprise for you aswell^^

Can't wait^^

Hinata decorated half of the house with balloons and colorful confetti everywhere, Kageyama told Hinata that he didn't have a normal suprise party but when he met Hinata it all changed

Hinata then got in the bathroom and then unboxed the clothing he ordered, it looked cute and Hinata's eyes was shining and glimmering

He then looked at the time and in 5 minutes, he'll come home and celebrate his birthday

He got out of the bathroom and got the cake out of the fridge, it was his favorite flavor and he prepared the gift he wanted

Then, he wore a bathrobe and then he heard the door open, he looked at the door and saw Kageyama with his gym and sweaty forehead

"Surprise! Happy birthday Kageyama!" Hinata screamed, Kageyama looked at him and smiled, and walked towards him and hugged him

"Before we do something, I gotta take a shower.. I really stink" Kageyama said making Hinata chuckle


Once Kageyama was done, they both are the cake Hinata payed and ordered

"So, this is all your money?" Kageyama asked, Hinata looked at him and smiled widely before nodding

Kageyama returned a smile after, hugging Hinata "Thank you. You suprise me everyday with your little plans, I don't know if I could ever live without you."

Hinata hugged back and felt his heartbeat, it made him so happy seeing and feeling him happy and enjoying his special day

"What's with the bathrobe?" Kageyama asked, looking at Hinata breaking the hug, Hinata smiled awkwardly and removed his bathrobe

"Well.. you wanted me to wear this the other day so I decided to buy it, Suga was against it but Bokuto wasn't but I had no choice because it makes you happy" he explained, Kageyama's face was red and he was smiling foolishly

Grabbing a pillow nearby and placing it on his lap, Hinata just smirked and took a bite of his last cake

"Don't worry. I'll take care of that little problem of yours." He said, smirking Kageyama just looked at him and covered his mouth from preventing to squeel from delight.

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(donutfindme thanks for making me the banner I wanted! Really appreciate it^^)

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(donutfindme thanks for making me the banner I wanted! Really appreciate it^^)

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