Meeting everyone again

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Chapter 2

Shuichi's pov (dw soon kokichi will get a turn)

After a couple days of therapy and being hospitalised i was finally allowed to meet everyone again, i was really exited but nervous as well.

I still didn't know where we were gonna meet up so i texted kaede.


I'm soo exited to see you again!

                                                                  Me to! Btw where are we meeting up?

The lobby of the hotel, how'd you forget? 

                                                                                     I was never told i guess...

Oh ok, cant wait so see you!


I headed down the stairs (it was time to meet everyone) and happened to bump into Himiko who was with Tenko, 

She gasped

"nyeehh! Saihara!" Himiko happily said giving me a hug. 

"Carful Himiko! He's a degenerate male! Who knows what kind of motives he has!" Tenko said as she pulled Himiko off me. 

I was glad to see that they where safe and acting as there normal selfs,

"How about we walk down together?" I asked.

Himiko nodded, and Tenko looked the other way.

"Only because Himiko wants to!"


Once we reached the bottom of the stairs there where already a few people there, Kirumi, Kaede, Rantaro, and Gonta. 

Kaede came running towards us and gave us all a hug. 

Gonta then started walking towards us, "Gonta happy everyone safe!"

"Mhm me to!" Kaede said agreeing with Gonta.

—-time skip brought to you by kokichi's scarf—-

Everyone had come down and we where all hugging and possibly sobbing aswell, accept one person wasn't here, why weren't they here?...

I thought everyone had woken up,,,

WhOs the person wHOs noT there, kjshjhgfs its pretty obvious but anyway. Next chapter is rather long? Possibly, luv y'all <3

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